Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Cruise Planning Synopsis



R/V Atlantis

Cruise Party

Michael Behrenfeld: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator
Oregon State university Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Cordley Hall 2082 Corvallis, Oregon USA 97331-2902
+1 541 737 5289
- added Michael Behrenfeld as Chief Scientist on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- added Michael Behrenfeld as Principal Investigator on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Departure: May 11, 2016


Arrival: Jun 5, 2016


Operations Area

North Atlantic
- changed 13-15N Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45W long to North Atlantic on May 10, 2016 11:53 AM by Eric Benway
- changed North Atlantic to 13-15N Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45W long on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- North Atlantic on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Lat/Lon: 50° 0.0′ N / 40° 0.0′ W
- changed lat from 14° 0.0′ N to 50° 0.0′ N, changed lon from 45° 0.0′ W to 40° 0.0′ W on May 10, 2016 11:53 AM by Eric Benway
- changed lat from 50° 0.0′ N to 14° 0.0′ N, changed lon from 40° 0.0′ W to 45° 0.0′ W on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- set lat to 50° 0.0′ N, set lon to 40° 0.0′ W on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Depth Range: 4500 / max (m)
- changed min from 0 to 4500, changed max from 2000 to max (m) on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- set min to 0, set max to 2000 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? n/a
- changed Canada, Greenland to n/a on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- Canada, Greenland on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Are visas or special travel documents required? no
- set to no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Objectives

    The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) is an interdisciplinary investigation addressing two primary science goals: (1) Define environmental and ecological controls on plankton communities and (2) Define linkages between ocean ecosystem properties and biogenic aerosols. Within these two broad goals, the NAAMES investigation focuses on identifying environment-ecosystem-aerosol interdependencies in the climate-sensitive North Atlantic. This ocean region hosts the largest annual plankton bloom in the global ocean and its impact on Earth’s radiative balance is particularly sensitive to biogenic aerosol emissions. Specific baseline science objectives of NAAMES are to (1) Characterize plankton ecosystem properties during primary phases of the annual cycle in the North Atlantic and their dependence on environmental forcings, (2) Determine how primary phases of the North Atlantic annual plankton cycle interact to recreate each year the conditions for an annual bloom, and (3) Resolve how remote marine aerosols and boundary layer clouds are influenced by plankton ecosystems in the North Atlantic. These objectives are accomplished by coupling autonomous in situ and satellite measurements sustained throughout the NAAMES investigation with short-term, coordinated ship and airborne campaigns that target critical events in the annual plankton cycle and focus on detailed system characterization. These direct observations are integrated with climate-ecosystem modeling to create a process-based understanding that allows improved interpretation of historical data records and improved predictions of future change.

- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


    The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) is an interdisciplinary investigation addressing two primary science goals: (1) Define environmental and ecological controls on plankton communities and (2) Define linkages between ocean ecosystem properties and biogenic aerosols. Within these two broad goals, the NAAMES investigation focuses on identifying environment-ecosystem-aerosol interdependencies in the climate-sensitive North Atlantic. This ocean region hosts the largest annual plankton bloom in the global ocean and its impact on Earth’s radiative balance is particularly sensitive to biogenic aerosol emissions. Specific baseline science objectives of NAAMES are to (1) Characterize plankton ecosystem properties during primary phases of the annual cycle in the North Atlantic and their dependence on environmental forcings, (2) Determine how primary phases of the North Atlantic annual plankton cycle interact to recreate each year the conditions for an annual bloom, and (3) Resolve how remote marine aerosols and boundary layer clouds are influenced by plankton ecosystems in the North Atlantic. These objectives are accomplished by coupling autonomous in situ and satellite measurements sustained throughout the NAAMES investigation with short-term, coordinated ship and airborne campaigns that target critical events in the annual plankton cycle and focus on detailed system characterization. These direct observations are integrated with climate-ecosystem modeling to create a process-based understanding that allows improved interpretation of historical data records and improved predictions of future change.

on May 10, 2016 11:53 AM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 25, 2016 11:49 AM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 19, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 19, 2016 1:43 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 19, 2016 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 19, 2016 1:16 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Apr 13, 2016 3:50 PM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Mar 18, 2016 11:10 AM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Mar 18, 2016 11:02 AM by Chad Smith
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Feb 24, 2016 2:51 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Feb 24, 2016 2:51 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Feb 24, 2016 2:04 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- changed

The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) is an interdisciplinary investigation addressing two primary science goals: (1) Define environmental and ecological controls on plankton communities and (2) Define linkages between ocean ecosystem properties and biogenic aerosols. Within these two broad goals, the NAAMES investigation focuses on identifying environment-ecosystem-aerosol interdependencies in the climate-sensitive North Atlantic. This ocean region hosts the largest annual plankton bloom in the global ocean and its impact on Earth’s radiative balance is particularly sensitive to biogenic aerosol emissions. Specific baseline science objectives of NAAMES are to (1) Characterize plankton ecosystem properties during primary phases of the annual cycle in the North Atlantic and their dependence on environmental forcings, (2) Determine how primary phases of the North Atlantic annual plankton cycle interact to recreate each year the conditions for an annual bloom, and (3) Resolve how remote marine aerosols and boundary layer clouds are influenced by plankton ecosystems in the North Atlantic. These objectives are accomplished by coupling autonomous in situ and satellite measurements sustained throughout the NAAMES investigation with short-term, coordinated ship and airborne campaigns that target critical events in the annual plankton cycle and focus on detailed system characterization. These direct observations are integrated with climate-ecosystem modeling to create a process-based understanding that allows improved interpretation of historical data records and improved predictions of future change.


      The primary objective of this proposal is to collect a suite of glassy volcanic rocks from the Mid Atlantic Ridge, measure the full suite of volatiles, major elements, trace elements, and isotopes, and evaluate their geochemical variability with respect to their geological setting.  An ROV or submersible is required for this project because the seafloor eruption style will be critical in relating the samples to local and regional tectonics.  We propose a field program to the MAR between 13°30’ and 14°05’N that makes use of existing sonar data between 13° 15’N and 13° 50’N (Mallows and Searle, 2012), the Alvin, Sentry and the WHOI TowCam.  The use of Alvin will allow us to collect well located samples and to determine if vesicularity and volatile abundances relate to their geologic setting and at what scale (i.e. segment wide, 'tectonic' vs. 'magmatic', adjacent to detachment faults, etc.).  This will include sampling on the segment scale (e.g., magmatic segment center and detachment faulted terrain), and the local scale related to seamounts/source vents, lava flow size and origin, and proximity to detachment faults.  Existing data from dredge samples do not allow evaluation of these factors.  The use of Alvin will also allow controlled sampling of glassy samples, not just with respect to geologic setting, but to ensure preservation of the volatiles.  Selected glassy samples will be collected in anaerobic sea-floor samplers that retain (some) sea floor pressure and temperature, thus minimize air contamination (Kurz and Curtice, 2009), reducing the reliance on post-analysis corrections.   These vessels will also permit collection of any gas exsolved at the surface because the samples can be kept immersed, allowing them to warm slowly (exsolved gases will then be collected in copper tubes).  This will reduce the uncertainties associated with estimates of “pre-degassing” volatile contents. In addition to existing sonar data, we will use  AUV Sentry make local high-resolution bathymetry and sonar maps north of 13Ëš50 (i.e., the magmatic segment) to define the geologic context of those samples. TowCam will be used for reconnaissance imaging and characterization to help define Alvin and Sentry dive targets.

on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway

The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) is an interdisciplinary investigation addressing two primary science goals: (1) Define environmental and ecological controls on plankton communities and (2) Define linkages between ocean ecosystem properties and biogenic aerosols. Within these two broad goals, the NAAMES investigation focuses on identifying environment-ecosystem-aerosol interdependencies in the climate-sensitive North Atlantic. This ocean region hosts the largest annual plankton bloom in the global ocean and its impact on Earth’s radiative balance is particularly sensitive to biogenic aerosol emissions. Specific baseline science objectives of NAAMES are to (1) Characterize plankton ecosystem properties during primary phases of the annual cycle in the North Atlantic and their dependence on environmental forcings, (2) Determine how primary phases of the North Atlantic annual plankton cycle interact to recreate each year the conditions for an annual bloom, and (3) Resolve how remote marine aerosols and boundary layer clouds are influenced by plankton ecosystems in the North Atlantic. These objectives are accomplished by coupling autonomous in situ and satellite measurements sustained throughout the NAAMES investigation with short-term, coordinated ship and airborne campaigns that target critical events in the annual plankton cycle and focus on detailed system characterization. These direct observations are integrated with climate-ecosystem modeling to create a process-based understanding that allows improved interpretation of historical data records and improved predictions of future change.

on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Activities

The NAAMES investigation has a duration of 5 years and involves 4 field campaigns.  Each field campaign will share a common observation profile.  The first campaign will occur in November 2015 and will involve the UNOLS R/V Atlantis.  For each campaign, ship-based measurements will be accompanied by aircraft measurements.  The aircraft will be a NASA C-130 stationed either from Saint John’s Bay, Canada, or the Lajes Field in the Azores. Global Class Research Vessels, such as the Atlantis, are required for each field campaign due to requirements for foreward deck space for a full-sized aerosols van, deck space for a radioisotope van, and the large scientific complement (34 berths).  A global class vessel is also advantageous for the NAAMES project on account of sea-worthiness during field studies that span the annual cycle.

Each field campaign involves a 26-day, roughly triangular-shaped ship transect (see uploaded files on transect and stations). The ship’s direction around the transect triangle is scientifically irrelevant, allowing real-time adjustments based on prevailing and forecasted weather conditions and sea-states. Assuming a counterclockwise direction, the ship proceeds from Woods Hole to the turning point at 40° N. During this outbound leg, underway sampling is conducted, but not regular overboard deployments.  It would be very beneficial to make at least one stop during the outbound transect to conduct a ‘shake-down’ station of overboard operations.  Following the turn northward, the full complement of ship-based measurements begins and continues until the northern-most turning point (~55° N). During this primary latitudinal science leg, daily operations involve a sampling station that begins near dawn and then continues until ~11:00.  Station operations will include multiple CTD/Rosette casts, the first of which will be relatively shallow casts (~200 m), followed by a deep cast to ~2000 m.  Optical and other instruments mounted on the rosette for the shallow casts but with depth limits <2000 m will need to be removed before the deep cast.  Following the deep cast, an additional shallow cast will be conducted for final water sampling and underwater light measurements.  Also during station, measurements will be made of downwelling light properties and water leaving radiances.  In addition to daily station occupations, 2 stations will be chosen for long-term measurement series (36-48 h).  During the long-term stations, a surface lagrangian drifter will be deployed upon arrival at station and then measurements will be conducted over the following occupation while following the trajectory of the drifter.  This approach minimizes the impacts of advective processes on measured system changes over the long-term station. Once the primary science transect is complete and the northern-most turning point is reached, the return transect will commence, with continuous in-line measurements conducted until the day before port arrival, but no additional station occupations anticipated.

In addition to water sampling and flow through seawater measurements, another key component of the NAAMES investigation is the measurement of aerosols.  For this aspect, key measurements will be conducted from the Aersosols Van, located on the forward deck of the ship.  Aerosol measurements are conducted continuously while the wind is from the forward direction. These measurement have to be terminated when the wind is from the backward direction, due to contamination from the ship.  Thus, it is desired to keep the ship orientation favorable for aerosol samples for the greatest fraction of the time feasible (understanding that ship orientation during overboard castings is dictated by sea state and wire angle). 

Also during the field campaigns, deployments will be made of five autonomous profiling floats and surface drifters.  Deployments will occur along the N-S primary latitudinal science transect, with exact location dependent on station location and real-time information on regional mesoscale eddies.  Surface drifter deployments will target mesoscale eddy centers and will provide water parcel tracking capabilities that inform flight patterns for the C-130.   

Airborne deployments accompanying the ship measurements will focus on the primary N-S latitudinal transect.  The airborne measurements include in situ aerosol sampling and remote sensing measurements with a hyperspectral ocean color sensor, a high resolution lidar, a polarimeter, and a downwelling irradiance sensor.  Aircraft measurements need to be highly coordinated with the ship, so regular communications between the two platforms is essential.  The NAAMES team gained considerable experience conducting successful ship-aircraft campaigns during the previous 2012 Azores campaign and the 2014 SABOR campaign.  Aircraft measurements begin shortly after takeoff, and continue during the transect to the ship.  Once arriving at the ship, a diversity of flight patterns are followed to characterize horizontal and vertical variability in ocean ecosystem and aerosol properties.  The aircraft transect will also include fly-overs of regions previously sampled by the ship, as tracked by the surface drifters.  These drifters essentially provide a ‘bread crumb trail’ that allows the aircraft to follow changes in system properties well after the ship has departed a given sampling station.  One the primary science measurements are complete along the ship transect, the aircraft returns to base.

- changed Alvin diving- includes observations, imaging (video and still imaging), mapping, rock sampling, push cores, possible small Niskin water sampling, and Ti-major samplers for possible use if hyx vents are encountered
Sentry AUV diving (mostly night time)
TowCam night time surveys
shipboard multibeam surveys
possible dredging as a contingency
possible CTD as a contingency (to be ready to use but stored on 01 deck)
rock processing in main lab
rock sawing in wet lab

The NAAMES investigation has a duration of 5 years and involves 4 field campaigns.  Each field campaign will share a common observation profile.  The first campaign will occur in November 2015 and will involve the UNOLS R/V Atlantis.  For each campaign, ship-based measurements will be accompanied by aircraft measurements.  The aircraft will be a NASA C-130 stationed either from Saint John’s Bay, Canada, or the Lajes Field in the Azores. Global Class Research Vessels, such as the Atlantis, are required for each field campaign due to requirements for foreward deck space for a full-sized aerosols van, deck space for a radioisotope van, and the large scientific complement (34 berths).  A global class vessel is also advantageous for the NAAMES project on account of sea-worthiness during field studies that span the annual cycle.

Each field campaign involves a 26-day, roughly triangular-shaped ship transect (see uploaded files on transect and stations). The ship’s direction around the transect triangle is scientifically irrelevant, allowing real-time adjustments based on prevailing and forecasted weather conditions and sea-states. Assuming a counterclockwise direction, the ship proceeds from Woods Hole to the turning point at 40° N. During this outbound leg, underway sampling is conducted, but not regular overboard deployments.  It would be very beneficial to make at least one stop during the outbound transect to conduct a ‘shake-down’ station of overboard operations.  Following the turn northward, the full complement of ship-based measurements begins and continues until the northern-most turning point (~55° N). During this primary latitudinal science leg, daily operations involve a sampling station that begins near dawn and then continues until ~11:00.  Station operations will include multiple CTD/Rosette casts, the first of which will be relatively shallow casts (~200 m), followed by a deep cast to ~2000 m.  Optical and other instruments mounted on the rosette for the shallow casts but with depth limits <2000 m will need to be removed before the deep cast.  Following the deep cast, an additional shallow cast will be conducted for final water sampling and underwater light measurements.  Also during station, measurements will be made of downwelling light properties and water leaving radiances.  In addition to daily station occupations, 2 stations will be chosen for long-term measurement series (36-48 h).  During the long-term stations, a surface lagrangian drifter will be deployed upon arrival at station and then measurements will be conducted over the following occupation while following the trajectory of the drifter.  This approach minimizes the impacts of advective processes on measured system changes over the long-term station. Once the primary science transect is complete and the northern-most turning point is reached, the return transect will commence, with continuous in-line measurements conducted until the day before port arrival, but no additional station occupations anticipated.

In addition to water sampling and flow through seawater measurements, another key component of the NAAMES investigation is the measurement of aerosols.  For this aspect, key measurements will be conducted from the Aersosols Van, located on the forward deck of the ship.  Aerosol measurements are conducted continuously while the wind is from the forward direction. These measurement have to be terminated when the wind is from the backward direction, due to contamination from the ship.  Thus, it is desired to keep the ship orientation favorable for aerosol samples for the greatest fraction of the time feasible (understanding that ship orientation during overboard castings is dictated by sea state and wire angle). 

Also during the field campaigns, deployments will be made of five autonomous profiling floats and surface drifters.  Deployments will occur along the N-S primary latitudinal science transect, with exact location dependent on station location and real-time information on regional mesoscale eddies.  Surface drifter deployments will target mesoscale eddy centers and will provide water parcel tracking capabilities that inform flight patterns for the C-130.   

Airborne deployments accompanying the ship measurements will focus on the primary N-S latitudinal transect.  The airborne measurements include in situ aerosol sampling and remote sensing measurements with a hyperspectral ocean color sensor, a high resolution lidar, a polarimeter, and a downwelling irradiance sensor.  Aircraft measurements need to be highly coordinated with the ship, so regular communications between the two platforms is essential.  The NAAMES team gained considerable experience conducting successful ship-aircraft campaigns during the previous 2012 Azores campaign and the 2014 SABOR campaign.  Aircraft measurements begin shortly after takeoff, and continue during the transect to the ship.  Once arriving at the ship, a diversity of flight patterns are followed to characterize horizontal and vertical variability in ocean ecosystem and aerosol properties.  The aircraft transect will also include fly-overs of regions previously sampled by the ship, as tracked by the surface drifters.  These drifters essentially provide a ‘bread crumb trail’ that allows the aircraft to follow changes in system properties well after the ship has departed a given sampling station.  One the primary science measurements are complete along the ship transect, the aircraft returns to base.

on May 10, 2016 11:53 AM by Eric Benway
- changed

The NAAMES investigation has a duration of 5 years and involves 4 field campaigns.  Each field campaign will share a common observation profile.  The first campaign will occur in November 2015 and will involve the UNOLS R/V Atlantis.  For each campaign, ship-based measurements will be accompanied by aircraft measurements.  The aircraft will be a NASA C-130 stationed either from Saint John’s Bay, Canada, or the Lajes Field in the Azores. Global Class Research Vessels, such as the Atlantis, are required for each field campaign due to requirements for foreward deck space for a full-sized aerosols van, deck space for a radioisotope van, and the large scientific complement (34 berths).  A global class vessel is also advantageous for the NAAMES project on account of sea-worthiness during field studies that span the annual cycle.

Each field campaign involves a 26-day, roughly triangular-shaped ship transect (see uploaded files on transect and stations). The ship’s direction around the transect triangle is scientifically irrelevant, allowing real-time adjustments based on prevailing and forecasted weather conditions and sea-states. Assuming a counterclockwise direction, the ship proceeds from Woods Hole to the turning point at 40° N. During this outbound leg, underway sampling is conducted, but not regular overboard deployments.  It would be very beneficial to make at least one stop during the outbound transect to conduct a ‘shake-down’ station of overboard operations.  Following the turn northward, the full complement of ship-based measurements begins and continues until the northern-most turning point (~55° N). During this primary latitudinal science leg, daily operations involve a sampling station that begins near dawn and then continues until ~11:00.  Station operations will include multiple CTD/Rosette casts, the first of which will be relatively shallow casts (~200 m), followed by a deep cast to ~2000 m.  Optical and other instruments mounted on the rosette for the shallow casts but with depth limits <2000 m will need to be removed before the deep cast.  Following the deep cast, an additional shallow cast will be conducted for final water sampling and underwater light measurements.  Also during station, measurements will be made of downwelling light properties and water leaving radiances.  In addition to daily station occupations, 2 stations will be chosen for long-term measurement series (36-48 h).  During the long-term stations, a surface lagrangian drifter will be deployed upon arrival at station and then measurements will be conducted over the following occupation while following the trajectory of the drifter.  This approach minimizes the impacts of advective processes on measured system changes over the long-term station. Once the primary science transect is complete and the northern-most turning point is reached, the return transect will commence, with continuous in-line measurements conducted until the day before port arrival, but no additional station occupations anticipated.

In addition to water sampling and flow through seawater measurements, another key component of the NAAMES investigation is the measurement of aerosols.  For this aspect, key measurements will be conducted from the Aersosols Van, located on the forward deck of the ship.  Aerosol measurements are conducted continuously while the wind is from the forward direction. These measurement have to be terminated when the wind is from the backward direction, due to contamination from the ship.  Thus, it is desired to keep the ship orientation favorable for aerosol samples for the greatest fraction of the time feasible (understanding that ship orientation during overboard castings is dictated by sea state and wire angle). 

Also during the field campaigns, deployments will be made of five autonomous profiling floats and surface drifters.  Deployments will occur along the N-S primary latitudinal science transect, with exact location dependent on station location and real-time information on regional mesoscale eddies.  Surface drifter deployments will target mesoscale eddy centers and will provide water parcel tracking capabilities that inform flight patterns for the C-130.   

Airborne deployments accompanying the ship measurements will focus on the primary N-S latitudinal transect.  The airborne measurements include in situ aerosol sampling and remote sensing measurements with a hyperspectral ocean color sensor, a high resolution lidar, a polarimeter, and a downwelling irradiance sensor.  Aircraft measurements need to be highly coordinated with the ship, so regular communications between the two platforms is essential.  The NAAMES team gained considerable experience conducting successful ship-aircraft campaigns during the previous 2012 Azores campaign and the 2014 SABOR campaign.  Aircraft measurements begin shortly after takeoff, and continue during the transect to the ship.  Once arriving at the ship, a diversity of flight patterns are followed to characterize horizontal and vertical variability in ocean ecosystem and aerosol properties.  The aircraft transect will also include fly-overs of regions previously sampled by the ship, as tracked by the surface drifters.  These drifters essentially provide a ‘bread crumb trail’ that allows the aircraft to follow changes in system properties well after the ship has departed a given sampling station.  One the primary science measurements are complete along the ship transect, the aircraft returns to base.

to Alvin diving- includes observations, imaging (video and still imaging), mapping, rock sampling, push cores, possible small Niskin water sampling, and Ti-major samplers for possible use if hyx vents are encountered
Sentry AUV diving (mostly night time)
TowCam night time surveys
shipboard multibeam surveys
possible dredging as a contingency
possible CTD as a contingency (to be ready to use but stored on 01 deck)
rock processing in main lab
rock sawing in wet lab
on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway

The NAAMES investigation has a duration of 5 years and involves 4 field campaigns.  Each field campaign will share a common observation profile.  The first campaign will occur in November 2015 and will involve the UNOLS R/V Atlantis.  For each campaign, ship-based measurements will be accompanied by aircraft measurements.  The aircraft will be a NASA C-130 stationed either from Saint John’s Bay, Canada, or the Lajes Field in the Azores. Global Class Research Vessels, such as the Atlantis, are required for each field campaign due to requirements for foreward deck space for a full-sized aerosols van, deck space for a radioisotope van, and the large scientific complement (34 berths).  A global class vessel is also advantageous for the NAAMES project on account of sea-worthiness during field studies that span the annual cycle.

Each field campaign involves a 26-day, roughly triangular-shaped ship transect (see uploaded files on transect and stations). The ship’s direction around the transect triangle is scientifically irrelevant, allowing real-time adjustments based on prevailing and forecasted weather conditions and sea-states. Assuming a counterclockwise direction, the ship proceeds from Woods Hole to the turning point at 40° N. During this outbound leg, underway sampling is conducted, but not regular overboard deployments.  It would be very beneficial to make at least one stop during the outbound transect to conduct a ‘shake-down’ station of overboard operations.  Following the turn northward, the full complement of ship-based measurements begins and continues until the northern-most turning point (~55° N). During this primary latitudinal science leg, daily operations involve a sampling station that begins near dawn and then continues until ~11:00.  Station operations will include multiple CTD/Rosette casts, the first of which will be relatively shallow casts (~200 m), followed by a deep cast to ~2000 m.  Optical and other instruments mounted on the rosette for the shallow casts but with depth limits <2000 m will need to be removed before the deep cast.  Following the deep cast, an additional shallow cast will be conducted for final water sampling and underwater light measurements.  Also during station, measurements will be made of downwelling light properties and water leaving radiances.  In addition to daily station occupations, 2 stations will be chosen for long-term measurement series (36-48 h).  During the long-term stations, a surface lagrangian drifter will be deployed upon arrival at station and then measurements will be conducted over the following occupation while following the trajectory of the drifter.  This approach minimizes the impacts of advective processes on measured system changes over the long-term station. Once the primary science transect is complete and the northern-most turning point is reached, the return transect will commence, with continuous in-line measurements conducted until the day before port arrival, but no additional station occupations anticipated.

In addition to water sampling and flow through seawater measurements, another key component of the NAAMES investigation is the measurement of aerosols.  For this aspect, key measurements will be conducted from the Aersosols Van, located on the forward deck of the ship.  Aerosol measurements are conducted continuously while the wind is from the forward direction. These measurement have to be terminated when the wind is from the backward direction, due to contamination from the ship.  Thus, it is desired to keep the ship orientation favorable for aerosol samples for the greatest fraction of the time feasible (understanding that ship orientation during overboard castings is dictated by sea state and wire angle). 

Also during the field campaigns, deployments will be made of five autonomous profiling floats and surface drifters.  Deployments will occur along the N-S primary latitudinal science transect, with exact location dependent on station location and real-time information on regional mesoscale eddies.  Surface drifter deployments will target mesoscale eddy centers and will provide water parcel tracking capabilities that inform flight patterns for the C-130.   

Airborne deployments accompanying the ship measurements will focus on the primary N-S latitudinal transect.  The airborne measurements include in situ aerosol sampling and remote sensing measurements with a hyperspectral ocean color sensor, a high resolution lidar, a polarimeter, and a downwelling irradiance sensor.  Aircraft measurements need to be highly coordinated with the ship, so regular communications between the two platforms is essential.  The NAAMES team gained considerable experience conducting successful ship-aircraft campaigns during the previous 2012 Azores campaign and the 2014 SABOR campaign.  Aircraft measurements begin shortly after takeoff, and continue during the transect to the ship.  Once arriving at the ship, a diversity of flight patterns are followed to characterize horizontal and vertical variability in ocean ecosystem and aerosol properties.  The aircraft transect will also include fly-overs of regions previously sampled by the ship, as tracked by the surface drifters.  These drifters essentially provide a ‘bread crumb trail’ that allows the aircraft to follow changes in system properties well after the ship has departed a given sampling station.  One the primary science measurements are complete along the ship transect, the aircraft returns to base.

on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Additional Info

Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference/Visit WHOI
- Teleconference/Visit WHOI on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- -changed Michael Behrenfeld travelled to WHOI for the pre-cruise planning meeting on March 17, 2015. to on Dec 17, 2015 4:28 PM by Eric Benway
- Michael Behrenfeld travelled to WHOI for the pre-cruise planning meeting on March 17, 2015. on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Media personnel on board: Video, Writer, NASA Outreach
- Video, Writer, NASA Outreach on Dec 17, 2015 4:28 PM by Eric Benway
Outreach with schools and perhaps writer for media
- changed to Outreach with schools and perhaps writer for media on Dec 17, 2015 4:28 PM by Eric Benway
- on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway


  Station 1
  Distance: 1100
  Days: 2
  Latitude: 60° 0.0’ N
  Longitude: 40° 0.0’ W

  Station 7
  Distance: 2200
  Days: null
  Latitude: 40° 0.0’ N
  Longitude: 40° 0.0’ W
- added Name: Station 1, Lat: 60° 0.0’ N, Lon: 40° 0.0’ W, Distance: 1100, Days: 2
added Name: Station 7, Lat: 40° 0.0’ N, Lon: 40° 0.0’ W, Distance: 2200, Days: on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Supporting documentation:

- added Draft_cruise_plans_V4_(003).pdf on Apr 21, 2016 2:26 PM by Chad Smith
- added 2016NAAMES_deck_plan_AT34_April_19.png on Apr 19, 2016 1:43 PM by Eric Benway
- added Ship_Participant_List_May_2016_V4.pdf on Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM by Chad Smith
- added Atlantis_Berthing_Assignments_-_May_2016.pdf on Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM by Chad Smith
- Ship_Participant_List_May_2016_V4.pdf on Apr 14, 2016 1:46 PM by Chad Smith
- Atlantis_Berthing_Assignments_-_May_2016.pdf on Apr 14, 2016 1:47 PM by Chad Smith
- added Ship_Participant_List_May_2016_V4.pdf on Apr 13, 2016 3:50 PM by Chad Smith
- added AT34_Pre_Cruise_Agenda__NASA_NAMES_project_yr_2.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:51 PM by Eric Benway
- UNOLS_COLD_VAN_ElectricalProcedure.pdf on Apr 19, 2016 1:15 PM by Eric Benway
- NAAMES_deck_plan_AT34_ver_1.pdf on Apr 19, 2016 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- added Atlantis_Berthing_Assignments_-_May_2016.pdf on Apr 13, 2016 3:50 PM by Chad Smith
- AT3303_TransitMap-1.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:03 PM by Eric Benway
- added UNOLS_COLD_VAN_ElectricalProcedure.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:51 PM by Eric Benway
- SouthernTransit_20Jan2016.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:03 PM by Eric Benway
- added NAAMES_deck_plan_AT34_ver_1.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:51 PM by Eric Benway
- NorthernTransit_20Jan2016.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:03 PM by Eric Benway
- added AT3303_TransitMap-1.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- added May_cruise_station_description_for_cruiseplanning_doc.pdf on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- added SouthernTransit_20Jan2016.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
- added NorthernTransit_20Jan2016.pdf on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway
Notes: NEW INFO:  UNOLS Dry Lab van will be used as in 2015.  COLD Van is removed from the planning / deck plan.

Lab vans (4, 2 requiring power) to be staged on the dock by Tuesday May 3rd.

Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration:
To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton

- -changed Loading: Lab vans (4, 2 requiring power) to be staged on the dock by Tuesday May 3rd.

Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration:
To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton

to NEW INFO:  UNOLS Dry Lab van will be used as in 2015.  COLD Van is removed from the planning / deck plan.

Lab vans (4, 2 requiring power) to be staged on the dock by Tuesday May 3rd.

Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration:
To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton

on Apr 19, 2016 1:16 PM by Eric Benway
- -changed Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration: To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton
to Loading: Lab vans (4, 2 requiring power) to be staged on the dock by Tuesday May 3rd.

Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration:
To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton

on Mar 18, 2016 11:10 AM by Chad Smith
- -changed to Emmanuel Boss Pump intigration: To be completed on either may 6th or may 8th. Pump bypasses scientific seawater pump on the ship to perserve microrganisims. Same operation as 2015.

Oxygen Totration Training: (Equipment supplied by Dave Wellwood, including bottles.)
May 8th- May 10th. POC: dwellwood@whoi.edu / Leah Houghton
on Mar 18, 2016 11:02 AM by Chad Smith
- -added on Feb 24, 2016 2:02 PM by Eric Benway


Funding Agency: NASA
Grant or contract number: NNX15AF30G

Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Atlantis

Science Van 1 Revisions
-added Science Van1 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Van 2 Revisions
-added Science Van2 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Van 3 Revisions
-added Science Van3 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Van 4 Revisions
-added Science Van4 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Science Van 5 Revisions
-added Science Van5 on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Shipboard Equipment

ADCP 75 kHz,
Deionized Water System,
Science Underway Seawater System,
Navigation - Heading,
Fume Hood,
Navigation - Position
-added Deionized Water System on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Fume Hood on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Navigation - Heading on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Navigation - Position on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Science Underway Seawater System on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added ADCP 75 kHz on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Shipboard Communication

Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet,
Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis?,
Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis?,
Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program?
-added Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis? on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis? on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Is there an expectation to use Skype or any other real-time video conference program? on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

CTD/Water Sampling

911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors,
Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR,
SBE43 oxygen sensor,
Seapoint STM turbidity sensor,
Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength),
Wet Labs ECO-AFL fluorometer,
Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor
-added 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added SBE43 oxygen sensor on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Seapoint STM turbidity sensor on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength) on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Wet Labs ECO-AFL fluorometer on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Critical CTD Sensors

Hydrographic Analysis Equipment

Dissolved Oxygen Titration System (Brinkmann Titrator),
Oxygen Sample Bottles (available in 150 ml sizes)
-added Dissolved Oxygen Titration System (Brinkmann Titrator) on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Oxygen Sample Bottles (available in 150 ml sizes) on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

MET Sensors

Barometric Pressure,
Air temperature,
Relative Humidity,
Wind speed and direction,
Short Wave Solar Radiation
-added Air temperature on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Barometric Pressure on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Relative Humidity on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Short Wave Solar Radiation on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Wind speed and direction on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Sample Storage

Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft.,
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea.,
Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft.,
Scientific Walk-in Freezer
-added Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft. on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
-added Scientific Walk-in Freezer on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Storage Notes: is the -70oC 25 cu. ft. freezer a walk-in?
- added is the -70oC 25 cu. ft. freezer a walk-in? on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
How many nets? null
How many tansponders? null
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation?no
- added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway


-added GPS on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Navigation Notes: During long-term stations (36 - 48 h), it is desired to take samples following a surface drifter and, when not taking samples to maintain wind direction from the bow for aerosol sampling for as much time as sea state and other factors permit
- added During long-term stations (36 - 48 h), it is desired to take samples following a surface drifter and, when not taking samples to maintain wind direction from the bow for aerosol sampling for as much time as sea state and other factors permit on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway


CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire,
Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire
-added Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Winch Notes:

Wire use and application

Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire,
CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
-added Hydro Winch with .25" hydro wire on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
Winch Notes:
- added Pete Gaube will bring a 2m x 2m net.  Will want hydro or trawl wire to tow at 1 - 4 kts.  Needs pinger to detect depth.  Use ships USBL? on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- removed answer Pete Gaube will bring a 2m x 2m net.  Will want hydro or trawl wire to tow at 1 - 4 kts.  Needs pinger to detect depth.  Use ships USBL? on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- added Pete Gaube will bring a 2m x 2m net.  Will want hydro or trawl wire to tow at 1 - 4 kts.  Needs pinger to detect depth.  Use ships USBL? on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway

Standard Oceanographic Cables

Slip ring required? no
Non-standard wire required? no
Traction winch required? no

Portable Vans

Isotope Van,
Chemical Storage Van,
Cold Storage Van
-added Chemical Storage Van on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
-added Cold Storage Van on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
-added Isotope Van on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Specialized Deck Equipment

Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: no Type: 
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no Type: 
Nets Required: no Type: 
Nets Revisions

- Nets Required? : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Type : added 2m plankton net tow on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Type : removed answer 2m plankton net tow on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Type : added 2m plankton net tow on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway

Over the Side Equipment

Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? yes
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
- changed from
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
  1. NOAA SeaSweep - port side
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole - starboard side aft of CTD
  3. Peter Gaube pankton net
  4. CTD
  5. optical insturments
on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from
  1. NOAA SeaSweep - port side
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole - starboard side aft of CTD
  3. Peter Gaube pankton net
  4. CTD
  5. optical insturments
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
  1. NOAA SeaSweep - port side
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole - starboard side aft of CTD
  3. Peter Gaube pankton net
  4. CTD
  5. optical insturments
on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from
  1. NOAA SeaSweep - port side
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole - starboard side aft of CTD
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
  1. NOAA SeaSweep - port side
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole - starboard side aft of CTD
on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway
- added
  1. NOAA SeaSweep
  2. Peter Guabe transducer pole
on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Special Requirements

Elecrical Power: yes Identify Most of power must be clean and able to run with UPS
Equipment Handling: yes Identify: hand held deployment of optical sensor / bucket samples of surface seawater on station
Inter/intraship Communications: yes Identify: communications with C130 aircraft
Science Stowage: yes Identify: regular access to science sample containers and lab supplies
Water: yes Identify: plumbing for clean flow through seawater system needs to be cleaned prior to cruise
Electrical Power Revisions

- Electrical Power : changed from yes to no on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Electrical Power : changed from no to yes on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Electrical Power : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added Most of power must be clean and able to run with UPS on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Equipment Handling Revisions

- Equipment Handling : changed from yes to no on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Equipment Handling : changed from no to yes on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Equipment Handling : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added hand held deployment of optical sensor / bucket samples of surface seawater on station on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Inter/intraship Communications : changed from yes to no on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Inter/intraship Communications : changed from no to yes on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Inter/intraship Communications : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added communications with C130 aircraft on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Science Stowage Revisions

- Science Stowage : changed from yes to no on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Science Stowage : changed from no to yes on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Science Stowage : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added regular access to science sample containers and lab supplies on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Water : changed from yes to no on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- Water : changed from no to yes on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- Water : added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added plumbing for clean flow through seawater system needs to be cleaned prior to cruise on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Additional Cruise Items/Activities

Explosive Devices:no
Portable Air Compressors:yes
Flammable Gases:yes
Small Boat Operations:no
SCUBA Diving Operations:no

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?yes
- added yes on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Describe deployment method and quantity:
- added Science will submit separate HAMAT Inventory forms for 2016 cruise. on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- removed answer Science will submit separate HAMAT Inventory forms for 2016 cruise. on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- added Science will submit separate HAMAT Inventory forms for 2016 cruise. on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
- removed answer Science will submit separate HAMAT Inventory forms for 2016 cruise. on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway
- added Science will submit separate HAMAT Inventory forms for 2016 cruise. on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway

Radioactive Material


Additional Information

Is night time work anticipated on this cruise?yes
- added yes on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other):
night time operations are currently envisioned to be limited to sampling from the ship's clean flow through seawater supply.  Overboard station sampling / profiling is expected to begin slightly before or after dawn
- added night time operations are currently envisioned to be limited to sampling from the ship's clean flow through seawater supply.  Overboard station sampling / profiling is expected to begin slightly before or after dawn on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway
Other required equipment and special needs:
With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
- changed from With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
to With respect to the CTD/rosette -  it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 4 portable science vans on the 02 deck fwd.  2 NOAA, 1 Scripps, one Van Pool. 
Atlantis Rad Van on 01 deck with Tim Bates Storage Van as in 2015.

Scripps Van: needs phone and ethernet

PMEL Vans: (Aerophys van) needs phone only

                      (AeroChem van) needs phone and ethernet

UNOLS Van: needs phone and ethernet

Rad Van: needs phone only + fresh water supply and electric

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer.

For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab). 

A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

on Mar 1, 2016 5:17 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from With respect to the CTD/rosette -  it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 4 portable science vans on the 02 deck fwd.  2 NOAA, 1 Scripps, one Van Pool. 
Atlantis Rad Van on 01 deck with Tim Bates Storage Van as in 2015.

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer.

For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab). 

A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

to With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
on Feb 24, 2016 2:08 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
to With respect to the CTD/rosette -  it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 4 portable science vans on the 02 deck fwd.  2 NOAA, 1 Scripps, one Van Pool. 
Atlantis Rad Van on 01 deck with Tim Bates Storage Van as in 2015.

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer.

For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab). 

A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

on Feb 24, 2016 2:07 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from With respect to the CTD/rosette -  it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 4 portable science vans on the 02 deck fwd.  2 NOAA, 1 Scripps, one Van Pool. 
Atlantis Rad Van on 01 deck with Tim Bates Storage Van as in 2015.

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer.

For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab). 

A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

to With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
to With respect to the CTD/rosette -  it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 4 portable science vans on the 02 deck fwd.  2 NOAA, 1 Scripps, one Van Pool. 
Atlantis Rad Van on 01 deck with Tim Bates Storage Van as in 2015.

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer.

For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab). 

A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

on Dec 17, 2015 4:36 PM by Eric Benway
- added With respect to the CTD/rosette - it would be helpful to have a 36 place rosette if available to facilitate water sampling requirements.  If a 24 place rosette is the largest available, it would helpful if this was equipped with 12 L Niskins.  Also, it is critical that any black o-rings on the Niskin bottles be replaced with the orange silicone o-rings, as the black versions are toxic and will have serious impacts on many of the sensitive biological measurements made during the cruise.

With respect to the C-star transmissometer and FLNTURTD requested above, it is desired that these are mounted on teh CTD/rosette system for water column profiling.

With respect to science portable vans:  We are currently anticipating 3 portable science vans for the cruise.  The first is a RAD van provided by UNOLS.  The other 2 vans are aerosol vans on the forward 02 deck.  The following text provides some additional information regarding these two aerosol vans.

Both aerosol vans are 20’x8’x8’ shipping containers.  The 1st is owned by Scripps and will contain atmospheric particle measurements (possibly including Meskidhze's instruments and sampling).  The 2ndaerosol van is to be requested from UNOLS for atmospheric gas measurements.  Preferred mounting is on feet or rails 2’ above deck.  We'll need 2 stair steps for each if available.  It is prefer if both aersol vans are both mounted as far forward as possible and as close to each other as possible. 

For the Scripps van, power requirements are 120 amps “clean” continuous power at 110 VAC.  Lynn Russel will provide a 408 transformer. For the UNOLS supplied van, power requirements are  25 amps "clean" power and 14.1 amps dirty power at 110 VAC.  The UCSC team has an additional 11 amp clean + 11 amp dirty power requirement for their mass spectrometer, but where this souce is depends on where the instrument is located (i.e., either in the van or wet lab).  A crane is required to load van (15000 lb) onto “feet” bolted to 02 deck.  A crane is again required to load inlet (300 lb) on top of van while it is secured.  Two gas cylinders (dry air, standard size) need to be secured external to van (request a 2x2 rack be mounted on deck adjacent to back of van).

We would also like to request, if possible, phone installation in the Scripps van (the use of walkie talkies is not advised as they interfere with the mass spectrometers in the van)

Other miscellaneous items

(1) It was not clear in this form if the R/V Atlantis has as part of its normal operating measurement instruments a Turner fluorometer for descrete sample chlorophyll measurements (??)

(2) It would be helpful to know the volume of distillied/milli-Q water the ship can generate (?)
on Dec 17, 2015 4:27 PM by Eric Benway

Checklist & Notes


U.S. Customs Form: no
- added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
Diplomatic Clearance: yes
- added yes on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
Date Submitted: Jan 25, 2016
- added Jan 25, 2016 on Feb 24, 2016 2:14 PM by Eric Benway
Date Approved:
Agent Information:
Shipping gear to and from vessel.  Shipping Address:


Attn: Eric Benway and Scientist Name – AT34

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

266 Woods Hole Road

Woods Hole, MA. 02543


  1. Agent Information:

            Eric Benway

            Marine Operations Coordinator

            Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

            266 Woods Hole Road MS 37

            Woods Hole Ma. 02543


            Email: ebenway@whoi.edu

            Tel: 508-289-3770

            Fax: 508-457-2185


- added Shipping gear to and from vessel.  Shipping Address:


Attn: Eric Benway and Scientist Name – AT34

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

266 Woods Hole Road

Woods Hole, MA. 02543


  1. Agent Information:

            Eric Benway

            Marine Operations Coordinator

            Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

            266 Woods Hole Road MS 37

            Woods Hole Ma. 02543


            Email: ebenway@whoi.edu

            Tel: 508-289-3770

            Fax: 508-457-2185


on Feb 24, 2016 2:14 PM by Eric Benway
WHOI to WHOI voyage. 
Research clearances for Greenland (Denmark) and Canada
- added WHOI to WHOI voyage. 
Research clearances for Greenland (Denmark) and Canada
on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
none required.
ITAR required w/ Gravimeter installed
- changed from none required.
No ITAR required - will not pass withing 12nm of any country
to none required.
ITAR required w/ Gravimeter installed
on Feb 24, 2016 2:14 PM by Eric Benway
- added none required.
No ITAR required - will not pass withing 12nm of any country
on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
Isotope Use Approval: no
- added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
Isotope Notes:
Will need to set up PO for rad waste disposal.
- added Will need to set up PO for rad waste disposal. on Feb 24, 2016 2:14 PM by Eric Benway
SCUBA Diving: no
- added no on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway


SSSG Tech:
Catie Graver and Allison Heater
- added Catie Graver and Allison Heater on Feb 24, 2016 2:14 PM by Eric Benway
May 7 - May 10. Mobilization at WHOI
June 5, 6, 7.  Demobe WHOI
- changed from April 27 - April 30. Mobilization at WHOI
May 2 & 3.  Demobe WHOI
to May 7 - May 10. Mobilization at WHOI
June 5, 6, 7.  Demobe WHOI
on Feb 24, 2016 2:11 PM by Eric Benway
- added April 27 - April 30. Mobilization at WHOI
May 2 & 3.  Demobe WHOI
on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway
Inbound shipments for mobilization should arrive no earlier than April 25, 2016
- changed from Inbound shipments for mobilization should arrive no earlier than April 20, 2016. to Inbound shipments for mobilization should arrive no earlier than April 25, 2016 on Feb 24, 2016 2:11 PM by Eric Benway
- added Inbound shipments for mobilization should arrive no earlier than April 20, 2016. on Dec 17, 2015 4:44 PM by Eric Benway