Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Cruise Planning Synopsis

AT39-05: Hutchins: Colimited N-fixers


R/V Atlantis

Cruise Party

David Hutchins: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator
3616 Trousdale Parkway P.O. BOX 90089 Los Angeles, CA USA 90089
+1 626 993 4093
- added David Hutchins as Chief Scientist on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added David Hutchins as Principal Investigator on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Departure: Feb 8, 2018

Praia, Cape Verde

Arrival: Mar 11, 2018

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Operations Area

Latitudinal transect from Cape Verde due south to ~8S, return NW transect to Puerto Rico
- Latitudinal transect from Cape Verde due south to ~8S, return NW transect to Puerto Rico on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Depth Range: 0 / 200
- set min to 0, set max to 200 on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? Cape Verde Islands
- Cape Verde Islands on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Are visas or special travel documents required? no
- set to no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Science Objectives

We will be using trace metal clean sampling and incubation techniques to investigate iron and phosphorus control of nitrogen fixation in the tropical Atlantic.  Our research plan involves both station work to sample mixed layer profiles (~6-8 depths), collect whole water filtered samples using McClain pumps, net tows to obtain Trichodesmium samples.  Several sets of deckboard incubations will be running concurrently with the transect sampling.  I have uploaded a list of 20 straw-man stations, but we will be looking for Trichodesmium blooms, using both semi-daily net tows and based on ocean color imagery to be periodically sent to the chief scientist. Therefore, stations will necessarily be a bit opportunistic, and may require minor deviations from the cruise track (within reason, of course).
- We will be using trace metal clean sampling and incubation techniques to investigate iron and phosphorus control of nitrogen fixation in the tropical Atlantic.  Our research plan involves both station work to sample mixed layer profiles (~6-8 depths), collect whole water filtered samples using McClain pumps, net tows to obtain Trichodesmium samples.  Several sets of deckboard incubations will be running concurrently with the transect sampling.  I have uploaded a list of 20 straw-man stations, but we will be looking for Trichodesmium blooms, using both semi-daily net tows and based on ocean color imagery to be periodically sent to the chief scientist. Therefore, stations will necessarily be a bit opportunistic, and may require minor deviations from the cruise track (within reason, of course). on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Science Activities

Station sampling will include regular CTD rosette profiles down to ~200m, deployment of a trace metal clean rosette system (coPI Saito), surface seawater trace metal clean pumping system (Saito), McClain pumps (Saito), possibly deployment of an in situ FiRE flurometer (Hutchins), and frequent net tows to collect Trichodesmium samples (Hutchins/Webb).  We also be carrying out simultaneous deckboard incubation work throughout the cruise using 4-5 flow-through deckboard incubators.
- Station sampling will include regular CTD rosette profiles down to ~200m, deployment of a trace metal clean rosette system (coPI Saito), surface seawater trace metal clean pumping system (Saito), McClain pumps (Saito), possibly deployment of an in situ FiRE flurometer (Hutchins), and frequent net tows to collect Trichodesmium samples (Hutchins/Webb).  We also be carrying out simultaneous deckboard incubation work throughout the cruise using 4-5 flow-through deckboard incubators. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Additional Info

Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference
- Teleconference on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Meeting Notes: I can visit WHOI if needed.
- I can visit WHOI if needed. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller


Supporting documentation:

- added AT39-05_Hutchins_AgendaNotes.pdf on Dec 5, 2017 11:10 AM by Sarah Fuller
- added AT39-05_Hutchins_Cruise_Planning_Agenda_.pdf on Oct 10, 2017 1:45 PM by Sarah Fuller
- AT39-05_Hutchins_Cruise_Planning_Agenda_.pdf on Oct 10, 2017 1:45 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added AT39-05_Hutchins_Cruise_Planning_Agenda_.pdf on Oct 10, 2017 1:29 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added WHOI_Internet_at_Sea_v2.pdf on Oct 10, 2017 1:29 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added Hutchins_preliminary_station_locations.xlsx on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller


Funding Agency: NSF
Grant or contract number: OCE 1657757

Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Atlantis

Science Van 1 Revisions
-added Science Van1 on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Shipboard Equipment

Deionized Water System,
Science Underway Seawater System,
Transducer well for visiting instrumentation,
Fume Hood,
Navigation - Position
-added Deionized Water System on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Fume Hood on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Navigation - Position on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Science Underway Seawater System on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Transducer well for visiting instrumentation on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Shipboard Communication

Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet,
Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis?
-added Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Is there a need to receive data from shore on a regular basis? on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

CTD/Water Sampling

911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors,
Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR,
SBE43 oxygen sensor,
Seapoint STM turbidity sensor,
Wet Labs ECO-AFL fluorometer,
Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor
-added 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added SBE43 oxygen sensor on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Seapoint STM turbidity sensor on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Wet Labs ECO-AFL fluorometer on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Critical CTD Sensors

MET Sensors

Wind speed and direction,
Short Wave Solar Radiation
-added Short Wave Solar Radiation on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Wind speed and direction on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Sample Storage

Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft.,
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea.,
Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft.
-added Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Storage Notes: We will also be storing samples in liquid nitrogen dewars and are very interested in whether the ship's planned new LN generator will be available for our cruise, and whether it has the capacity to fill our dewars in Praia prior to the cruise, or can only supply small amounts to be used for topping off.  If the latter, we'll need to buy LN in Praia, we'd like to avoid that.
- added We will also be storing samples in liquid nitrogen dewars and are very interested in whether the ship's planned new LN generator will be available for our cruise, and whether it has the capacity to fill our dewars in Praia prior to the cruise, or can only supply small amounts to be used for topping off.  If the latter, we'll need to buy LN in Praia, we'd like to avoid that. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
How many nets? null
How many tansponders? null
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation?no
- added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Navigation Notes:


CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Winch Notes:

Wire use and application

CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Winch Notes: coPI Saito (from WHOI) will deploy his own trace metal rosette system, trace metal surface pumping system, and has requested McClain pumps as well.  Please communicate directly with him about requirements.  Hutchins will bring a collaborating researcher who will occasionally want to do mixed layer profiles with a submersible FiRE flurometer, which will need to be deployed using the winch.
- added coPI Saito (from WHOI) will deploy his own trace metal rosette system, trace metal surface pumping system, and has requested McClain pumps as well.  Please communicate directly with him about requirements.  Hutchins will bring a collaborating researcher who will occasionally want to do mixed layer profiles with a submersible FiRE flurometer, which will need to be deployed using the winch. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Standard Oceanographic Cables

Slip ring required? no
Non-standard wire required? no
Traction winch required? no

Specialized Deck Equipment

Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: no Type: 
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: yes Type:  trace metal clean rosette
Nets Required: yes Type: plankton net tows
Cruise Specific Science Winch Revisions

- Cruise Specific Science Winch Required? : changed from no to yes on Oct 6, 2017 10:21 AM by Sarah Fuller
- Cruise Specific Science Winch Required? : added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
- Type : added trace metal clean rosette on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Nets Revisions

- Nets Required? : changed from no to yes on Oct 6, 2017 10:21 AM by Sarah Fuller
- Nets Required? : added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
- Type : added plankton net tows on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Over the Side Equipment

Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? yes
Details: coPI Saito will bring his trace metal clean rosette system.
- added coPI Saito will bring his trace metal clean rosette system. on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Special Requirements

Elecrical Power: no Identify 
Equipment Handling: no Identify: 
Inter/intraship Communications: no Identify: 
Science Stowage: yes Identify: supplies and equipment stowage
Water: yes Identify: Flowing seawater to supply 4-5 deckboard incubators
Science Stowage Revisions

- Science Stowage : changed from no to yes on Oct 6, 2017 10:21 AM by Sarah Fuller
- Science Stowage : added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
- Identify : added supplies and equipment stowage on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Water : changed from no to yes on Oct 6, 2017 10:21 AM by Sarah Fuller
- Water : added no on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
- Identify : added Flowing seawater to supply 4-5 deckboard incubators on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Additional Cruise Items/Activities

Explosive Devices:no
Portable Air Compressors:no
Flammable Gases:yes
Small Boat Operations:no
SCUBA Diving Operations:no

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?yes
- added yes on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Describe deployment method and quantity:
Hazmats will be confined to lab spaces.  We will provide a detailed list of hazmats next week, we are compiling it now, but it will include HCl, NaOH, acetone, formalin, compressed H2, N2 and acetylene cylinders
- added Hazmats will be confined to lab spaces.  We will provide a detailed list of hazmats next week, we are compiling it now, but it will include HCl, NaOH, acetone, formalin, compressed H2, N2 and acetylene cylinders on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller

Radioactive Material


Additional Information

Is night time work anticipated on this cruise?yes
- added yes on Oct 4, 2017 1:34 PM by Sarah Fuller
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other):
Other required equipment and special needs:

Checklist & Notes


U.S. Customs Form: no
- added no on Oct 6, 2017 11:01 AM by Sarah Fuller
Diplomatic Clearance: no
- added no on Oct 6, 2017 11:01 AM by Sarah Fuller
Date Submitted:
Date Approved:
Agent Information:

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.
- changed from Shipping Address:
Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162

E-mail anavpraia@cvtelecom.cv

Main point of contact: Jose Manuel (Shipping Manager), Mobile +238 9917641
to To be confirmed with Port Office. Will revert with information asap. 

on Oct 5, 2017 10:41 AM by Sarah Fuller
- changed from

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.
to Shipping Address:
Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162

E-mail anavpraia@cvtelecom.cv

Main point of contact: Jose Manuel (Shipping Manager), Mobile +238 9917641
on Oct 4, 2017 1:42 PM by Sarah Fuller
- changed from

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.
on Oct 6, 2017 10:54 AM by Sarah Fuller
- changed from

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.
on Oct 6, 2017 10:54 AM by Sarah Fuller
- added

The contact persons in Praia who will handle ship’s matter are Mr. Jose Manuel and Mr. Bernardino. The boarding agents are Mr. Marileno and Mr. Telmo.  

We have confirmed the full style address as follows:

Master R/V Atlantis
Attn: David A. Hutchins / AT39-05
Rua Serpa Pinto
P.O. Box No. 58

Phone: +238 2 603101 / 2603103 / 2603106 
Fax : +238 2 612162 

General Manager:  Mr. Euclides Pereira, Mobile +238 9912903
Primary contacts:  Shipping Manager: Mr. José Manuel - Mobile +238 9917641
                                 Operation Manager:  Mr. Bernardino Barbosa - Mobile +238 9916780

Boarding Agent:  Mr. Marileno Soares, Mobile +238 9964277
Boarding Agent:  Mr. Telmo, Mobile +238 5221259

Note: All WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications with Agents.  Information regarding the shipment of any equipment, containers or supplies should be communicated to the Agent and to all WHOI contacts.
on Oct 6, 2017 11:01 AM by Sarah Fuller
Isotope Use Approval: no
- added no on Oct 6, 2017 11:01 AM by Sarah Fuller
Isotope Notes:
SCUBA Diving: no
- added no on Oct 6, 2017 11:01 AM by Sarah Fuller


SSSG Tech: