Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Cruise Planning Synopsis

AT42-12: Orcutt "Slow Life"


R/V Atlantis


ROV Jason
- added ROV Jason on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Cruise Party

Stephanie Carr: Principal Investigator
Hartwick College USA
+1 607 431 4410

Olivia Nigro: Principal Investigator
Hawaii Pacific University USA
+1 808 236 5827

Beth Orcutt: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences USA
+1 207 315 2567 ext. 312

Michael Rappé: Principal Investigator
Organization Name USA
+1 808 236 7464
- added Beth Orcutt as Chief Scientist on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added Stephanie Carr as Principal Investigator on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added Olivia Nigro as Principal Investigator on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added Beth Orcutt as Principal Investigator on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- added Michael Rappé as Principal Investigator on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Departure: May 15, 2019

Newport, OR, USA

Arrival: May 28, 2019

Newport, OR

Operations Area

eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeast Pacific Ocean
- eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, northeast Pacific Ocean on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Lat/Lon: 47° 45.5′ N / 127° 45.7′ W
- set lat to 47° 45.5′ N, set lon to 127° 45.7′ W on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Depth Range: 2500 / 2700
- set min to 2500, set max to 2700 on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? Canada
- Canada on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Are visas or special travel documents required? no
- set to no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Science Objectives

This expedition is supported through one primary U.S. National Science Foundation award (OCE-1737017, “Microbial activity in the crustal deep biosphere”) to the Chief Scientist. In addition, complimentary research is being funded by one complimentary NSF award (OIA-1826734) to the Chief Scientist and three other investigators at the Chief Scientist’s institution (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME, USA); companion (pending) awards to collaborators at the University of Hawaii (Michael Rappé, OCE-1851582), Hawaii Pacific University (Olivia Nigro, OCE-1851045), and Hartwick College (Stephanie Carr, OCE-1851099); and a (pending) NASA award to the Chief Scientist (18-EXO18-0048). These awards support multidisciplinary sampling and experiments at subseafloor borehole observatories in oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge to assess microbiological processes in the deep biosphere. These experiments are intended to answer questions about how microscopic life survives under energy limitation in this subsurface habitat, to determine rates of biomass production and chemical cycling, to assess the interactions of viruses with hosts, and to conduct guided cultivation efforts.

The primary work area is on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Table 1, Figure 1). Six long-term borehole observatories (CORKs) in a 2.5 square kilometer area are separated by distances of 40 to 2460 m, five aligned along a northeast trend (Holes 1026B, U1301A, U1301B, U1362A, and U1362B) and one located 2.2 km to the east (Hole 1027C; Figures 2, 3). All of these holes were drilled, cased, cored, and tested, then instrumented with CORKs using the drillship JOIDES Resolution. These instrumented sites allow continuous monitoring of pressure and temperature at depth, sampling of fluids and microbiological material, and measurement of fluid flow rate using autonomous instrumentation (Figure 4). Most of these CORK systems require servicing with a submersible or ROV to download pressure data, recover samples, manipulate valves, and replace a variety of experimental systems (Figure 4). This is the primary operational goal of this scientific research, which will use the ROV Jason from the R/V Atlantis (operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Table 2).

Secondary objectives may include (if time permits, Table 1): servicing additional CORK systems located nearby the main work site, and/or mapping/sampling at nearby Baby Bare, Grizzly Bare, Mama Bare, Wuzza Bare, or Zona Bare outcrops (within 50 nmi of primary work site).


This expedition is supported through one primary U.S. National Science Foundation award (OCE-1737017, “Microbial activity in the crustal deep biosphere”) to the Chief Scientist. In addition, complimentary research is being funded by one complimentary NSF award (OIA-1826734) to the Chief Scientist and three other investigators at the Chief Scientist’s institution (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME, USA); companion (pending) awards to collaborators at the University of Hawaii (Michael Rappé, OCE-1851582), Hawaii Pacific University (Olivia Nigro, OCE-1851045), and Hartwick College (Stephanie Carr, OCE-1851099); and a (pending) NASA award to the Chief Scientist (18-EXO18-0048). These awards support multidisciplinary sampling and experiments at subseafloor borehole observatories in oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge to assess microbiological processes in the deep biosphere. These experiments are intended to answer questions about how microscopic life survives under energy limitation in this subsurface habitat, to determine rates of biomass production and chemical cycling, to assess the interactions of viruses with hosts, and to conduct guided cultivation efforts.

The primary work area is on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (Table 1, Figure 1). Six long-term borehole observatories (CORKs) in a 2.5 square kilometer area are separated by distances of 40 to 2460 m, five aligned along a northeast trend (Holes 1026B, U1301A, U1301B, U1362A, and U1362B) and one located 2.2 km to the east (Hole 1027C; Figures 2, 3). All of these holes were drilled, cased, cored, and tested, then instrumented with CORKs using the drillship JOIDES Resolution. These instrumented sites allow continuous monitoring of pressure and temperature at depth, sampling of fluids and microbiological material, and measurement of fluid flow rate using autonomous instrumentation (Figure 4). Most of these CORK systems require servicing with a submersible or ROV to download pressure data, recover samples, manipulate valves, and replace a variety of experimental systems (Figure 4). This is the primary operational goal of this scientific research, which will use the ROV Jason from the R/V Atlantis (operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Table 2).

Secondary objectives may include (if time permits, Table 1): servicing additional CORK systems located nearby the main work site, and/or mapping/sampling at nearby Baby Bare, Grizzly Bare, Mama Bare, Wuzza Bare, or Zona Bare outcrops (within 50 nmi of primary work site).

on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Science Activities

Specifically, we aim to accomplish the following objectives (Table 2), in order of priority:

-       Deploy custom incubation devices on the top of the Hole U1362B CORK to examine microbial growth rates and active community members in situ.

-       Collect small volume (~200ml each) crustal fluid samples from the tops of Holes U1362A and U1362B CORKs with custom “squeezer” syringes to examine fluid chemistry and microbial diversity.

-       Collect large volume (10s of liters) crustal fluid samples (and filters after in situ filtration) from multiple depth horizons of Holes U1362A and U1362S CORK through use of the mobile pumping system (MPS) coupled to Medium Volume Bag Samplers (MVBS) and Large Volume Bag Samplers (LVBS) for microbial cultivation, various ‘omics analyses, and viral analysis.

-       Filter large volumes of crustal fluids from Holes U1362A/B for viral particle concentration through standalone filtration units deployed on the CORK wellheads and tapping into discrete horizons via umbilicals.

-       Recover and deploy “OsmoSamplers” on the Hole U1362A/B wellheads for temporal tracking of chemical conditions in subsurface crust.

-       Attempt to quantify in situ gas (methane) concentrations with in situ sensors and gas-tight fluid collection.

-       Download pressure data from Holes U1362A/B.

-       Leave Holes U1301A, U1362A, and U1362B sealed with top plugs.

-       Measure temperatures of crustal fluids.

-       Deploy a flow meter on Hole U1362A.

-       Conduct full ocean depth CTD Niskin Rosette casts to examine microbial activity and diversity in the dark ocean water column.

-       If time permits (unlikely), conduct exploratory dives at nearby outcrops to find sites of diffuse venting for sampling and characterization.

-       If weather or mechanical issues arise that preclude ROV dives, we will collect multi-beam bathymetric data.


Specifically, we aim to accomplish the following objectives (Table 2), in order of priority:

-       Deploy custom incubation devices on the top of the Hole U1362B CORK to examine microbial growth rates and active community members in situ.

-       Collect small volume (~200ml each) crustal fluid samples from the tops of Holes U1362A and U1362B CORKs with custom “squeezer” syringes to examine fluid chemistry and microbial diversity.

-       Collect large volume (10s of liters) crustal fluid samples (and filters after in situ filtration) from multiple depth horizons of Holes U1362A and U1362S CORK through use of the mobile pumping system (MPS) coupled to Medium Volume Bag Samplers (MVBS) and Large Volume Bag Samplers (LVBS) for microbial cultivation, various ‘omics analyses, and viral analysis.

-       Filter large volumes of crustal fluids from Holes U1362A/B for viral particle concentration through standalone filtration units deployed on the CORK wellheads and tapping into discrete horizons via umbilicals.

-       Recover and deploy “OsmoSamplers” on the Hole U1362A/B wellheads for temporal tracking of chemical conditions in subsurface crust.

-       Attempt to quantify in situ gas (methane) concentrations with in situ sensors and gas-tight fluid collection.

-       Download pressure data from Holes U1362A/B.

-       Leave Holes U1301A, U1362A, and U1362B sealed with top plugs.

-       Measure temperatures of crustal fluids.

-       Deploy a flow meter on Hole U1362A.

-       Conduct full ocean depth CTD Niskin Rosette casts to examine microbial activity and diversity in the dark ocean water column.

-       If time permits (unlikely), conduct exploratory dives at nearby outcrops to find sites of diffuse venting for sampling and characterization.

-       If weather or mechanical issues arise that preclude ROV dives, we will collect multi-beam bathymetric data.

on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Additional Info

Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference
- Teleconference on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Media personnel on board: pending
- pending on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
pending, person from Academy for Creative Media at Univ. Hawaii
- pending, person from Academy for Creative Media at Univ. Hawaii on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


Supporting documentation:

- added AT42-12_Prospectus_v1.pdf on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


Funding Agency: NSF
Grant or contract number: 1737017

Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Atlantis

Shipboard Equipment

Deionized Water System,
Transponder Navigation - Sonardyne USBL,
Navigation - Heading,
Multibeam ,
Fume Hood,
Navigation - Position,
-added Crane on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Deionized Water System on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Fume Hood on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Multibeam on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Navigation - Heading on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Navigation - Position on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Transponder Navigation - Sonardyne USBL on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Shipboard Communication

Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet,
Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis?
-added Basic Internet access via HiSeasNet on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Is there a need to transfer data to shore on a regular basis? on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

CTD/Water Sampling

911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors,
SBE43 oxygen sensor,
Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor
-added 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added SBE43 oxygen sensor on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Wet Labs FLNTURTD Combination Flourometer and Turbidity Sensor on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Critical CTD Sensors

Sample Storage

Climate Controlled Walk-in,
Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft.,
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea.,
Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft.,
Scientific Walk-in Refrigerator
-added Climate Controlled Walk-in on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Refrigerator 8.6 cu. ft. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Scientific Walk-in Refrigerator on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Storage Notes: We want to have both walk-in units set to 4C. We will need to use the -70C freezers as well as the shipboard liquid nitrogen generator.
- added We want to have both walk-in units set to 4C. We will need to use the -70C freezers as well as the shipboard liquid nitrogen generator. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
How many nets? null
How many tansponders? null
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


-added GPS on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added USBL on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Navigation Notes: for ROV Jason and elevator ops.
- added for ROV Jason and elevator ops. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire,
Trawl Winch with 9/16th trawl wire
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
-added Trawl Winch with 9/16th trawl wire on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Winch Notes: Crane needed for elevator deployments/recoveries.
- added Crane needed for elevator deployments/recoveries. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Wire use and application

Trawl Winch with 9/16th trawl wire
-added Trawl Winch with 9/16th trawl wire on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Winch Notes: Instruments to be deployed on Jason or on the WHOI elevator are described in Table 3 in the supplemental file.
- added Instruments to be deployed on Jason or on the WHOI elevator are described in Table 3 in the supplemental file. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Standard Oceanographic Cables

Slip ring required? no
Non-standard wire required? no
Traction winch required? no

Portable Vans

Chemical Storage Van
-added Chemical Storage Van on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Specialized Deck Equipment

Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: no Type: 
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no Type: 
Nets Required: no Type: 

Over the Side Equipment

Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? no

Special Requirements

Elecrical Power: no Identify 
Equipment Handling: no Identify: 
Inter/intraship Communications: no Identify: 
Science Stowage: no Identify: 
Water: yes Identify: will occasionally need 20L of deionized water per day
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Water : added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
- Identify : added will occasionally need 20L of deionized water per day on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Additional Cruise Items/Activities

Explosive Devices:no
Portable Air Compressors:no
Flammable Gases:yes
Small Boat Operations:no
SCUBA Diving Operations:no

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Describe deployment method and quantity:
We may have small tanks of compressed methane gas and/or carbon monoxide gas. These can be stored outside of the lab. Full details on limited quantity hazmats will be provided closer to the cruise date.
- added We may have small tanks of compressed methane gas and/or carbon monoxide gas. These can be stored outside of the lab. Full details on limited quantity hazmats will be provided closer to the cruise date. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Radioactive Material


Additional Information

Is night time work anticipated on this cruise?yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other):
crew may be needed for nightime ROV launch/recovery, and/or for CTD launch/recovery. If weather is really bad and prevents ROV or CTD work, we may use the multibeam (and might need to transfer large files to shore for help processing data).
- added crew may be needed for nightime ROV launch/recovery, and/or for CTD launch/recovery. If weather is really bad and prevents ROV or CTD work, we may use the multibeam (and might need to transfer large files to shore for help processing data). on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Other required equipment and special needs:

Scientific Instrumentation for HOV Jason

Current Chart(s):
see Table 3 see Table 3

Site Survey

Will you provide detailed charts of the work area(s)?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If no, willl you need R/V Atlantis to generate maps of the work area(s)?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Will you need post-dive maps of the work area generated?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
How many nets? null
How many tansponders? null
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Will you be using Doppler/GPS navigation? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
What type of samples do you expect to collect?CORK borehole fluid samples mostly, maybe some sediment cores. See details in supplemental file.
- added CORK borehole fluid samples mostly, maybe some sediment cores. See details in supplemental file. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller


Will you be using elevators to transport samples to the surface?yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If yes, how many would you anticipate? We will use elevators in support of almost every ROV dive, to deploy and recover third-party equipment and samples. See supplemental file for more details.
- added We will use elevators in support of almost every ROV dive, to deploy and recover third-party equipment and samples. See supplemental file for more details. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Science Supplied Equipment

Are you supplying equipment to be used on HOV Jason yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Has this equipment been used on Jason before? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Please give a brief description of the equipment, its intended purpose, the cruise # it was last used on if any and its deployment method.
See supplemental file for more detail. Most equipment has been used previously on either cruise AT39-01 (2017 North Pond) or AT42-01 (2018 Lost City). The exception is a new PVC-based incubation device being designed by chief scientist Orcutt, which will be brought down to the WHOI labs once assembled for verification.
- added See supplemental file for more detail. Most equipment has been used previously on either cruise AT39-01 (2017 North Pond) or AT42-01 (2018 Lost City). The exception is a new PVC-based incubation device being designed by chief scientist Orcutt, which will be brought down to the WHOI labs once assembled for verification. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Does this equipment use an external pressure housing? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If yes, what is the pressure rating?
and test pressure?
Has the pressure housing been tested per Alvin Pressure Test requirements? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Pressure housing schematic with dimensions and include air and water weights.
Does the equipment have an associated computer or control panel for remote operation from the personnel sphere? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Air weight of this equipment?
- added see Table 3 on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Water weight of this equipment?
- added see Table 3 on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Does the equipment require data or a power interface from the vehicle? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Does this equipment require hydraulic inputs from the vehicle? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Hydraulic schematic of the equipment requirements.
Does this equipment require manipulation? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If yes, please describe how the equipment is to be manipulated:
Please see the Supplemental File for more details.
- added Please see the Supplemental File for more details. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Will this equipment be deployed off the vehicle? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If yes, please describe how the equipment is intended for deployment:
Please see the Supplemental File for more details.
- added Please see the Supplemental File for more details. on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If yes, will the equipment be disconnected from the vehicle and left in situ? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
How long will the deployment be?
Will the equipment be recovered by the same vehicle? yes
- added yes on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
If recovering equipment deployed with another vehicle, provide pressure rating:
and test pressure:
Does this equipment use any glass spheres for either buoyancy or as pressure housings? no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?no
- added no on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller
Describe deployment method and quantity:

Additional Information

Brief operations description or comments:
- I'm assuming that basemap files from AT26-18 are still on hand and can be loaded into Jason nav system
- Will provide Alvin certification documentation at a later time, have to get from co-PIs
- added
- I'm assuming that basemap files from AT26-18 are still on hand and can be loaded into Jason nav system
- Will provide Alvin certification documentation at a later time, have to get from co-PIs
on Jan 17, 2019 1:38 PM by Sarah Fuller

Checklist & Notes


U.S. Customs Form: no
Diplomatic Clearance: no
Date Submitted:
Date Approved:
Agent Information:
Isotope Use Approval: no
Isotope Notes:
SCUBA Diving: no


SSSG Tech: