Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Cruise Planning Synopsis

AT 15-61


R/V Atlantis

Cruise Party

Douglas Capone: Chief Scientist, Principal Investigator
University of Southern California / Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies & Department of Biological Sciences 3616 Trousdale Parkway P.O. BOX AHF 108 Los Angles, Ca USA 90089-0371
+1 213 740 2772
- added Douglas Capone as Chief Scientist on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- added Douglas Capone as Principal Investigator on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Departure: Jan 28, 2010

Iquique, Chile

Arrival: Mar 3, 2010

Arica, Chile

Operations Area

Eastern Tropical South Pacific / Grid 20 S, 80 W to 20 S, 110 W to 10 S 110 W, to 10 S 80 @W
- Eastern Tropical South Pacific / Grid 20 S, 80 W to 20 S, 110 W to 10 S 110 W, to 10 S 80 @W on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Lat/Lon: 20° 0.0′ S / 80° 0.0′ W
- set lat to 20° 0.0′ S, set lon to 80° 0.0′ W on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Depth Range: 3000 / max (m)
- set min to 3000, set max to max (m) on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Will the vessel be operating within 200 NM of a foreign country? NO
- NO on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Are visas or special travel documents required? no
- set to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Science Objectives

Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Science Activities

Upper water column biogeochemistry, shallow and deep sediment trap deployment @ six major (>24h) stations.

No Station positions have been given.  The operating box is this:

Lattitude 10 South, from 80W to 110W
then along
Lattitude 20 South, from 80W to 110W.

- Upper water column biogeochemistry, shallow and deep sediment trap deployment @ six major (>24h) stations.

No Station positions have been given.  The operating box is this:

Lattitude 10 South, from 80W to 110W
then along
Lattitude 20 South, from 80W to 110W.

on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Additional Info

Pre-cruise Planning Meeting: Teleconference
- Teleconference on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Meeting Notes: Dec 4, 2009 @ 1300 EDT teleconference w/ Doug Capone, Will Berelson and Jim Moffett
- Dec 4, 2009 @ 1300 EDT teleconference w/ Doug Capone, Will Berelson and Jim Moffett on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway


Supporting documentation:

- added Procedure_For_Thorium_Collection.docx on Jan 29, 2010 12:01 PM by Eric Benway
- added USC_ETSPMooringDesign.xls on Jan 29, 2010 11:59 AM by Eric Benway
- added USC_Mooring_Trap_Diagram.JPG on Jan 29, 2010 11:58 AM by Eric Benway
- added Thorium_use_on_Atlantis.eml on Jan 29, 2010 11:58 AM by Eric Benway
- added ETSPPlots2008Fig2.jpg on Jan 29, 2010 11:58 AM by Eric Benway
- added Capone_stations.xls on Jan 29, 2010 11:58 AM by Eric Benway
- added Capone_EEZ_1.JPG on Jan 29, 2010 11:58 AM by Eric Benway


Funding Agency: NSF
Grant or contract number: 0850801/0850905

Scientific Instrumentation for R/V Atlantis

Science Van 1 Revisions
-added Science Van1 on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Science Van 2 Revisions
-added Science Van2 on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Shipboard Equipment

Bathymetry System 12 kHz,
Bathymetry System 3.5 kHz ,
ADCP 150 kHz,
ADCP 75 kHz,
Deionized Water System,
Science Underway Seawater System,
Fume Hood,
Navigation - Position
-added Bathymetry System 12 kHz on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Bathymetry System 3.5 kHz on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added ADCP 75 kHz on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added ADCP 150 kHz on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Science Underway Seawater System on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Deionized Water System on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Fume Hood on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Navigation - Position on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

CTD/Water Sampling

911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors,
SBE43 oxygen sensor,
Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength),
Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR
-added 911+ Rosette 24-position, 10-liter bottle Rosette with dual T/C sensors on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added SBE43 oxygen sensor on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Wet Labs C*Star transmissometer (660nm wavelength) on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Biospherical underwater PAR (1000m depth limit) with reference Surface PAR on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Critical CTD Sensors

- added CHL sensor on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Hydrographic Analysis Equipment

-added Salinometer on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

MET Sensors

Barometric Pressure,
Air temperature,
Relative Humidity,
Wind speed and direction
-added Wind speed and direction on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Air temperature on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Barometric Pressure on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Relative Humidity on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Sample Storage

Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft.,
Climate Controlled Walk-in,
Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea.
-added Freezer -70°C 25 cu. ft. on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Climate Controlled Walk-in on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
-added Freezer -70°C 3.2 cu. ft. ea. on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway


Will you be using Long Base Line (LBL) navigation? no
- added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
How many nets? 0
How many tansponders? 0
Will you be using Ultra-short baseline (USBL) navigation?no
- added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway


CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire
-added CTD Winch with .322" Electro-mechanical wire on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Standard Oceanographic Cables

  Instrument(s) Instrument Weight(s) Maximum Depth
Conducting Hydro: ship CTD rosette 3000 m
Hydro: TMC Rosette (JMoffett) 1000 lbs 1000 m
Conducting Hydro Revisions:

- Instrument : added ship CTD rosette on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Maximum Depth : added 3000 m on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Hydro Revisions:

- Instrument : added TMC Rosette (JMoffett) on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Instrument Weight : added 1000 lbs on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Maximum Depth : added 1000 m on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Slip ring required? no
Non-standard wire required? yes Type: KEVLAR for smaller rosette
Traction winch required? yes Describe: TSE for sediment trap moorings
Non-standard wire revisions

- Non-standard wire required? : added yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Type : added KEVLAR for smaller rosette on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Traction Winch Revisions

- Traction winch required? : added yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Describe : added TSE for sediment trap moorings on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Portable Vans

Chemical Storage Van
-added Chemical Storage Van on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Specialized Deck Equipment

Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required: yes Type: TSE IV - provided by sssg/RT
Cruise Specific Science Winch Required: no Type: 
Nets Required: no Type: 
Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Revisions

- Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required? : changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required? : changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Mooring Deployment/Recovery Equipment Required? : added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Type : added TSE IV - provided by sssg/RT on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Over the Side Equipment

Will you be bringing any equipment (winches, blocks, etc.) that lowers instruments over the side? yes
Details: 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI.
- changed from 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI.
to 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)
   b) The proposed plan is to wrap the hydro wire over with a tarp, then spool the 1000m kevlar on top of the wire.
2) Use FORWARD Hydro winch 

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI. = TSE winch.
on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- changed from 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)
   b) The proposed plan is to wrap the hydro wire over with a tarp, then spool the 1000m kevlar on top of the wire.
2) Use AFT Hydro winch - Forward will be used for ships CTD rosette ?

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI.
to 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI.
on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- added 1) Jim Moffett will have a smaller TMC rosette (10x5l bottles) deployed with the 1000m 1/4" Kevlar line from the 01 deck hydro winch. 
   a) He will bring his Harken (clean?) block (SWL15,000#)
   b) The proposed plan is to wrap the hydro wire over with a tarp, then spool the 1000m kevlar on top of the wire.
2) Use AFT Hydro winch - Forward will be used for ships CTD rosette ?

All sedtrap/net deployment equip will need to be supplied by WHOI.
on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Special Requirements

Elecrical Power: yes Identify for Moffett lab van on 01 deck
Equipment Handling: yes Identify: A Frame will be needed for trap deployments (pending USN apvl.)
Inter/intraship Communications: no Identify: 
Science Stowage: yes Identify: space for sci storage van 01 deck
Water: yes Identify: for Moffett lab van on 01 deck
Electrical Power Revisions

- Electrical Power : changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- Electrical Power : changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Electrical Power : added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added for Moffett lab van on 01 deck on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Equipment Handling Revisions

- Equipment Handling : changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- Equipment Handling : changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Equipment Handling : added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added A Frame will be needed for trap deployments (pending USN apvl.) on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Science Stowage Revisions

- Science Stowage : changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- Science Stowage : changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Science Stowage : added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added space for sci storage van 01 deck on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Inter/intraship Communications Revisions

- Water : changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- Water : changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Water : added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- Identify : added for Moffett lab van on 01 deck on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway

Additional Cruise Items/Activities

Explosive Devices:no
Portable Air Compressors:yes
Flammable Gases:yes
Small Boat Operations:no
SCUBA Diving Operations:no

Hazardous Material

Will hazardous material be utilized?no
- added no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Describe deployment method and quantity:

Radioactive Material


Additional Information

Is night time work anticipated on this cruise?no
- changed from no to yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway
- changed from yes to no on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
- added yes on Jan 29, 2010 11:50 AM by Eric Benway
Specialized tech support (Seabeam, coring, other):
Other required equipment and special needs:
- added TSE winch for deep sediment trap deployments. 
capstan and or TSE can be used for shallow sediment traps and pankton nets
on Jan 29, 2010 11:52 AM by Eric Benway

Checklist & Notes


U.S. Customs Form: no
- added no on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
Diplomatic Clearance: no
- added no on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
Date Submitted:
Date Approved:
Agent Information:

Primary Agent:
Vasile Tudoran Transport
819 Ohio Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90804

Contact: Vasile Tudoran
Phone: (562) 882-5590       
Fax: (562) 434-9800
Email : vtudoran@aol.com  

R/V Ship Name
Attn: Scientist's Name
c/o Agencias Universales S.A. (AGUNSA) Iquique
Serrano 145,
Of.401, 4th Floor
CHILE   1100596

Phone: 56-9-541600
Fax:  56-57-541690

Agent: Pedro Frioli
Cell:  56-9-4424705

Logistics and Port Agent:  Hernan Valdivia M
Cell:  56-9-3238479

Ship's Operations:  husbandingiqq@agunsa.cl
Cell:  56-9-7430516

AGUNSA Chile Head Office Contact: Gonzalo J. De la Sotta
Ship's Operations
Phone: 56-32-2556282
Fax: 56-32-2257586
Cell: 56-9-97484109
email: gdelasotta@agunsa.cl, operations@agunsa.cl

Note: Primary Agent, Subagent and WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications.  It is requested that shipment information of any equipment be communicated to the Agent and WHOI contacts
- added

Primary Agent:
Vasile Tudoran Transport
819 Ohio Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90804

Contact: Vasile Tudoran
Phone: (562) 882-5590       
Fax: (562) 434-9800
Email : vtudoran@aol.com  

R/V Ship Name
Attn: Scientist's Name
c/o Agencias Universales S.A. (AGUNSA) Iquique
Serrano 145,
Of.401, 4th Floor
CHILE   1100596

Phone: 56-9-541600
Fax:  56-57-541690

Agent: Pedro Frioli
Cell:  56-9-4424705

Logistics and Port Agent:  Hernan Valdivia M
Cell:  56-9-3238479

Ship's Operations:  husbandingiqq@agunsa.cl
Cell:  56-9-7430516

AGUNSA Chile Head Office Contact: Gonzalo J. De la Sotta
Ship's Operations
Phone: 56-32-2556282
Fax: 56-32-2257586
Cell: 56-9-97484109
email: gdelasotta@agunsa.cl, operations@agunsa.cl

Note: Primary Agent, Subagent and WHOI contacts should be copied on all communications.  It is requested that shipment information of any equipment be communicated to the Agent and WHOI contacts
on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
Chile has $131.00 usd entry fee.
- added Chile has $131.00 usd entry fee. on Dec 16, 2009 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
Isotope Use Approval: yes
- changed from no to yes on Dec 16, 2009 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from yes to no on Nov 30, 2009 3:37 PM by Eric Benway
- added yes on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
Isotope Notes:
Will Berelson will be using thorium on deck.  He has been approved (see attached proposal) use and will take all precautions to ensure that no tracer isotope will contaminate the ship.  It has a 60 day life span. 
- Approved by David Fisichella on 12/11/09.  Email and protocol will be emailed to Atlantis SSSG.
- changed from Will Berelson will be using thorium on deck.  He has been approved (see attached proposal) use and will take all precautions to ensure that no tracer isotope will contaminate the ship. to Will Berelson will be using thorium on deck.  He has been approved (see attached proposal) use and will take all precautions to ensure that no tracer isotope will contaminate the ship.  It has a 60 day life span. 
- Approved by David Fisichella on 12/11/09.  Email and protocol will be emailed to Atlantis SSSG.
on Dec 16, 2009 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- added Will Berelson will be using thorium on deck.  He has been approved (see attached proposal) use and will take all precautions to ensure that no tracer isotope will contaminate the ship. on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
SCUBA Diving: no
- added no on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway


SSSG Tech:
Catie G. and Dave S.
- added Catie G. and Dave S. on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line. ~17,200 lbs = SHORE CRANE (ok by sci)
2) is a science storage van. (8x20) ~ 18,600 lbs = SHORE CRANE (ok by sci)
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - arranged by science and Agent in Chile
4) Dry Ice: 50 - 100 lbs - arranged by science and Agent in Chile.
5) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
- changed from TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line. ~ 11,320lbs
2) is a science storage van. (8x20) ~ 17,300 lbs
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - still waiting on quantity
4) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
to TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line. ~17,200 lbs = SHORE CRANE (ok by sci)
2) is a science storage van. (8x20) ~ 18,600 lbs = SHORE CRANE (ok by sci)
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - arranged by science and Agent in Chile
4) Dry Ice: 50 - 100 lbs - arranged by science and Agent in Chile.
5) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
on Jan 29, 2010 11:57 AM by Eric Benway
- changed from TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line.
2) is a science storage van. (8x20)
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - still waiting on quantity
4) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
to TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line. ~ 11,320lbs
2) is a science storage van. (8x20) ~ 17,300 lbs
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - still waiting on quantity
4) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
on Jan 14, 2010 1:54 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010. to TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line.
2) is a science storage van. (8x20)
3) N2 gasses to be loaded - still waiting on quantity
4) kevlar and J.Moffett rosette will be brought on in sci van.
on Dec 16, 2009 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- changed from TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line.
2) is a science storage van. (8x20)
to TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010. on Nov 30, 2009 3:37 PM by Eric Benway
- added TSE winch to be shipped to Puntareanas Costa Rica for loading by Jan 13th 2010, along with multicore. 
No vans to be loaded on in Costa Rica.

In Iquique, 2 vans to be loaded onto the 01 deck.
1) is Jim Moffetts lab van (8x20) - needs power and phone line.
2) is a science storage van. (8x20)
on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway
The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella, working w/ sssg techs on board are making a plan regarding this process.

1) Shore crane required for 2 vans (will split costs with WHOI Sentry group because they are loading during same port call March 3-6).
2) TSE winch will need to be off loaded and shipped back direct to WHOI
3) LN2 and Dry Ice will be deliverd to ship for science - storing and shipping samples
- changed from The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella is making a plan regarding this process.
to The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella, working w/ sssg techs on board are making a plan regarding this process.

1) Shore crane required for 2 vans (will split costs with WHOI Sentry group because they are loading during same port call March 3-6).
2) TSE winch will need to be off loaded and shipped back direct to WHOI
3) LN2 and Dry Ice will be deliverd to ship for science - storing and shipping samples
on Jan 29, 2010 11:57 AM by Eric Benway
- changed from The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella is making a plan regarding this process. to The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella is making a plan regarding this process.
on Dec 16, 2009 1:42 PM by Eric Benway
- added The uncontaminated seawater supply lines will need to be "cleaned" prior to the cruise.  David Fisichella is making a plan regarding this process. on Dec 16, 2009 1:32 PM by Eric Benway