ECOHAB-GOM: Casco Bay Hydrographic Data

Click on the cruise number below to get the Matlab data files.

If you want to add something to the files for everyone's consumption, email me.

Matlab Version 4 Data for Moorings

Some of the team have mentioned that they unfamiliar with Matlab or do not have version 5.*  For these
people I have put the data into version 4 friendly format.  It's not as easy to navigate as version 5, but it's


Text files

If you need text files for the Casco cruise data, pull it off of the individual cruises and stations
by highlighting and dragging data from the cruise stations.  This is tedious, but text files of the entire cruises would be so unmanageable I don't see any use in them.

If you want text files of the mooring data, find someone with matlab 4, load the data, and then type:

>> save [filename]  [variable] -ascii

you can see which variables are available by typing

>> who

after loading the mat file.

email me if you have questions

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Last modified: Thursday, 27-Aug-98 14:03:58 EDT
For comments and questions, contact Rich Signell