WHOI CTD and Sampling Systems

Updated April 16, 2007.

Content: Information about WHOI CTDs, rosette sampling systems, salinometers and related support items will be found here.  This includes inventory, descriptions, photographs, configuration data and operational information (including operations manuals), along with some schematics and application notes for selected items.

The systems and equipment described below, as well as this website, are maintained by Marshall Swartz, Research Associate in the Physical Oceanography Department at WHOI.

A large part of my responsibilities are the provision, operation, maintenance, calibration and field support for WHOI's SeaBird CTD and hydrographic sampling systems.  These systems are provided by WHOI Marine Operations through the Shipboard Services Support Group (SSSG) for the science user.   I receive funding by NSF through SSSG to provide this support.

The inventory of CTD and sampling systems are kept in the Clark Annex on Quissett Campus when they are not in use on WHOI's three ships.   All the support hardware, components, spares, documentation and tools are also kept here.   I am the contact point to resolve issues from the ships regarding CTD and sampling system.  For a comprehensive description of the equipment available to WHOI ship users, as well as the policies for their use, see the site: Support Equipment.

I operate and maintain the Institution's CTD Calibration Laboratory.   See this site for information about our capabilities and research equipment.

Calibration data for CTDs and related precision oceanographic instrumentation are also my responsibility, but data are maintained on a separate site. Please go to the  Calibration Data Center for access to calibration records for instruments I maintain.

Marshall Swartz, Research Associate III
Physical Oceanography Department
Clark Lab 171, Mail Stop 30
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA  02543  USA
phone:  508-289-2246
fax:  508-457-2165
email:  mswartz@whoi.edu

In my absence, please contact the following people:
For inquiries on the SSSG CTD components inventory status: Rich Chandler, x2272, rchandler@whoi.edu.
For access to items in the SSSG CTD inventory:  Dave Wellwood, x2657, dwellwood@whoi.edu, or Rick Chandler above.
For information on how to contact me when I'm away: Penny Foster, x2294, pfoster@whoi.edu or Dave Wellwood above.

File: 119-c:/website/ctd/index.html March 1, 2004.