Southern Ocean GLOBEC Bathymetry:
Microsoft Internet Explorer Warning

      I recently discovered that Internet Explorer by Microsoft can not access the FTP site from the web pages as I have set up the pages. We must have a password protected data site so that this data is not publicly available. But, this is in effect excluding those who use Internet Explorer by Microsoft. Below I have three potential work arounds for those using Internet Explorer by Microsoft.

  • 1) After clicking on from Internet Explorer, you can hit Refresh, which will prompt you with a login box in which you use the username and password to gain access. This work arround seems to need the later verions of Internet Explorer.

  • 2) Create a link to, which logs you in anonymously, and then from the Menu on your browser, you can select File -> Login As.. and then use the username and password to gain access. This also seems to need the later verions of Internet Explorer.

  • 3) Ftp directly to the ftp site. You will need to use your operating system ftp program for this.

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    This page was created by Tom Bolmer.
    send comments and questions to: Tom Bolmer.
    Last Modified 02/13/03