Southern Ocean GLOBEC Bathymetry:

3D rotations

A 3D Rotational Figure of the SO GLOBEC region

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These images are from the latest version of November 2006
Example screen dump of the SO GLOBEC 1 minute grid Example screen dump of the SO GLOBEC 15 second grid

      The above figures are 2 snap shots from the 3D program, IVS Fledermaus, discussed below. The views shown here are what you can see if you get the program and scene files mentioned below.

     Three of the GMT NETCDF grid files for the SO GLOBEC Bathymetry data were imported into the Ineractive Visualization System's (IVS) Fledermaus program. You may view and manipulate these 3D figures with the IVS free viewer iView3D.
Go to the IVS iView3D site to download and install the free viewer.
You will also need to download one of the files created from the SO GLOBEC data set from below.

To download these files you must use the PASSWORD:
Charcot Island
      You must SHIFT CLICK, to get one of the below 3D files. (If you do not SHIFT CLICK, these files could be downloaded to your screen. You want to save the file onto your computer.) You must have one of the files mentioned below on your computer to view with iView3D.

Get the 10 second grid size file:    surface_17_1_all_topo30_10c.scene      66.9 megs
Get the 15 second grid size file:    surface_17_1_all_topo30_10c.scene      29.74 megs
Get the 1 minute grid size file:    surface_17_1_all_topo30_10c.scene      1.87 megs

      Be sure to read about how to operate this program. You can change the angle from which you view the surface. You can spin the surface around. You can also zoom in and out. With these tools, you may "fly" over the surface. What you can NOT do is save anything from this program. This is only a free viewer. But, you can notice features with this program that are hard to see in more traditional displays.


Go BACK to the Southern Ocean GLOBEC Bathymetry get data page.

This page was created by Tom Bolmer.
send comments and questions to: Tom Bolmer.
Last Modified 9/26/07