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Anything But a Boat

Anything But a Boat

September 29, 2018

WHOI held its periodic Anything-But-A-Boat Race on Sept. 16 in Woods Hole, Mass.—a community event that attracted hundreds of spectators. Race rules stipulate that “unboats” must be without boat shells, surf boards, or other commercially available boats or power sources. With names like (from left) Warrior Princess, Sons of Carpentry, and Kitsch n Sink, bizarre was the norm for entries from local organizations and individuals. Prizes were awarded in categories that included most imaginative, least seaworthy, and best engineered. The latter went to members of the WHOI Carpenters Shop who worked during breaks and after hours to design and build their vessel using a paddlewheel, bicycle, umbrella, and other odds and ends. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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