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Speaking for the Ocean

Speaking for the Ocean

August 1, 2016

High school students Gillian Asuncion (center) and Emma Bartram, from Burbank, California, tour the personnel sphere in the deep-sea submersible Alvin with Gillian’s brother, Jeremy. Asuncion and Bartram were the grand-prize winners of WHOI’s #SpeakForTheOcean contest, which invited students to produce a 30-second video about ocean issues. WHOI also sponsored a #OneGiantLeap for the ocean contest for adults, won by Cristina Veresan, a science educator from Washington, D.C. The contestants who received the most online votes were invited to WHOI in June to tour the research vessel Neil Armstrong and learn more about WHOI research. “I really love the passion that everyone has at WHOI,” Bartram said. “Hopefully we’ll be back soon!” (Photo by Ken Kostel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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