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The View from Greenland

The View from Greenland

July 10, 2012

A team of researchers that includes MIT/WHOI Joint Program graduate student Ben Linhoff, approached Leverett Glacier on the southwestern edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Linhoff and his colleagues are in Greenland until early August studying changes to the glacier as it undergoes seasonal melting. Linhoff’s blog offers insights into his science, as well as what it is like to live and camp on ice and tundra for months. “Like last season, I’ve taken my running shoes and clothes,” he posted in late May. “Running over musk ox trails on the tundra next to the Greenland Ice Sheet is a memorable experience. The ground is soft, the peaks steep, and the views are spectacular.”(Photo by Ben Linhoff, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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