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Meet the Sub

Meet the Sub

November 5, 2010

WHOI scientist Susan Humphris (far right, seated) answers a question from a member of the audience about the Alvin submersible upgrade project during a public event held on Oct. 17, 2010. WHOI President and Director Susan Avery (standing), engineer Barrie B. Walden and biologist Stace Beaulieu (middle) also took questions from the public during a panel discussion of the sub’s past, present, and future. Visitors were also able to see Alvin on the WHOI dock and talk with some of the people who help make it the hardest working deep-diving research sub in the U.S. Couldn’t make it to the public event? Take the interactive tour online and view video of the panel presentations. (Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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