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Photo: Paul Fye The Trustees of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) have established the Paul M. Fye Society to recognize and honor individuals who have chosen to support the Institution through charitable bequests, life income gifts and trusts.  

The Paul M. Fye Society is named in memory of former WHOI director, Paul M. Fye. Through his exemplary service and dedication to the Institution, Paul Fye fostered the development of programs and initiatives which have become his legacy to the Institution. The Paul M. Fye Society is privileged to recognize those persons whose legacies will benefit the Institution of tomorrow.  

The establishment of the Paul M. Fye Society provides the Institution with an opportunity to thank individuals who possess the same foresight and commitment as Paul Fye and who include the Institution in their financial planning.  

Inquiries regarding the Paul M. Fye Society can be made to: 

 Development Office, Fenno House 
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 
Phone: (508) 289-4895 
Fax: (508) 457-2167 
E-mail: development@whoi.edu

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