function [f,p,kvg,iter,corp,covp,covr,stdresid,Z,r2]=nlleasqr(x,y,pin,func,stol,niter,wt,dp,dfdp,options) %function[f,p,kvg,iter,corp,covp,covr,stdresid,Z,r2]= % nlleasqr(x,y,pin,{func,stol,niter,wt,dp,dfdp,options}) % % Version 3.beta % Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear regression of f(x,p) to y(x), where: % x=vec or mat of indep variables, 1 row/observation: x=[x0 x1....xm] % y=vec of obs values, same no. of rows as x. % wt=vec(dim=1 or length(x)) of statistical weights. These should be set % to be proportional to (sqrts of var(y))^-1; (That is, the covaraince % matrix of the data is assumed to be proportional to diagonal with diagonal % equal to (wt.^2)^-1. The constant of proportionality will be estimated.), % default=1. % pin=vector of initial parameters to be adjusted by leasqr. % dp=fractional incr of p for numerical partials,default= .001*ones(size(pin)) % dp(j)>0 means central differences. % dp(j)<0 means one-sided differences. % Note: dp(j)=0 holds p(j) fixed i.e. leasqr wont change initial guess: pin(j) % func=name of function in quotes,of the form y=f(x,p) % dfdp=name of partials M-file in quotes default is prt=dfdp(x,f,p,dp,func) % stol=scalar tolerances on fractional improvement in ss,default stol=.0001 % niter=scalar max no. of iterations, default = 20 % options=matrix of n rows (same number of rows as pin) containing % column 1: desired fractional precision in parameter estimates. % Iterations are terminated if change in parameter vector (chg) on two % consecutive iterations is less than their corresponding elements % in options(:,1). [ie. all(abs(chg*current parm est) < options(:,1)) % on two consecutive iterations.], default = zeros(). % column 2: maximum fractional step change in parameter vector. % Fractional change in elements of parameter vector is constrained to be % at most options(:,2) between sucessive iterations. % [ie. abs(chg(i))=abs(min([chg(i) options(i,2)*current param estimate])).], % default = Inf*ones(). % % OUTPUT VARIABLES % f=vec function values computed in function func. % p=vec trial or final parameters. i.e, the solution. % kvg=scalar: =1 if convergence, =0 otherwise. % iter=scalar no. of interations used. % corp= correlation matrix for parameters % covp= covariance matrix of the parameters % covr = diag(covariance matrix of the residuals) % stdresid= standardized residuals % Z= matrix that defines confidence region % r2= coefficient of multiple determination % {}= optional parameters % ss=scalar sum of squares=sum-over-i(wt(i)*(y(i)-f(i)))^2. % All Zero guesses not acceptable % Richard I. Shrager (301)-496-1122 % Modified by A.Jutan (519)-679-2111 % Modified by Ray Muzic 14-Jul-1992 % 1) add maxstep feature for limiting changes in parameter estimates % at each step. % 2) remove forced columnization of x (x=x(:)) at beginning. x could be % a matrix with the ith row of containing values of the % independent variables at the ith observation. % 3) add verbose option % 4) add optional return arguments covp, stdresid, chi2 % 5) revise estimates of corp, stdev % Modified by Ray Muzic 11-Oct-1992 % 1) revise estimate of Vy. remove chi2, add Z as return values % Modified by Ray Muzic 7-Jan-1994 % 1) Replace ones(x) with a construct that is compatible with versions % newer and older than v 4.1. % 2) Added global declaration of verbose (needed for newer than v4.x) % 3) Replace return value var, the variance of the residuals with covr, % the covariance matrix of the residuals. % 4) Introduce options as 10th input argument. Include % convergence criteria and maxstep in it. % 5) Correct calculation of xtx which affects coveraince estimate. % 6) Eliminate stdev (estimate of standard deviation of parameter % estimates) from the return values. The covp is a much more % meaningful expression of precision because it specifies a confidence % region in contrast to a confidence interval.. If needed, however, % stdev may be calculated as stdev=sqrt(diag(covp)). % 7) Change the order of the return values to a more logical order. % 8) Change to more efficent algorithm of Bard for selecting epsL. % % Refrences: % Bard, Nonlinear Parameter Estimation, Academic Press, 1974. % Draper and Smith, Applied Regression Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 1981. % %set default args % argument processing % plotcmd='plot(x(:,1),y,''o'',x(:,1),f,''+''); shg'; if (sscanf(version,'%f') >= 4), global verbose plotcmd='plot(x(:,1),y,''o'',x(:,1),f,''+''); figure(gcf)'; end; if(exist('verbose')~=1), verbose=0; end; if (nargin <= 8), dfdp='dfdp'; end; if (nargin <= 7), dp=.001*(pin*0+1); end; %DT if (nargin <= 6), wt=1.0; end; if (nargin <= 5), niter=20; end; if (nargin <= 4), stol=.0001; end; % y=y(:); wt=wt(:); pin=pin(:); dp=dp(:); %change all vectors to columns % check data vectors- same length? m=length(y); n=length(pin); p=pin;[m1,m2]=size(x); if m1~=m ,error('input(x)/output(y) data must have same number of rows ') ,end; if (nargin <= 9), options=[zeros(n,1) Inf*ones(n,1)]; nor = n; noc = 2; else [nor noc]=size(options); if (nor ~= n), error('options and parameter matrices must have same number of rows'), end; if (noc ~= 2), options=[options(noc,1) Inf*ones(noc,1)]; end; end; pprec=options(:,1); maxstep=options(:,2); % % set up for iterations % f=feval(func,x,p); fbest=f; pbest=p; r=wt.*(y-f); sbest=r'*r; nrm=zeros(n,1); chgprev=Inf*ones(n,1); kvg=0; epsLlast=1; epstab=[.1 1 1e2 1e4 1e6]; % do iterations % for iter=1:niter, pprev=pbest; prt=feval(dfdp,x,fbest,pprev,dp,func); r=wt.*(y-fbest); sprev=sbest; sgoal=(1-stol)*sprev; for j=1:n, if dp(j)==0, nrm(j)=0; else prt(:,j)=wt.*prt(:,j); nrm(j)=prt(:,j)'*prt(:,j); if nrm(j)>0, nrm(j)=1/sqrt(nrm(j)); end; end prt(:,j)=nrm(j)*prt(:,j); end; [prt,s,v]=svd(prt,0); s=diag(s); g=prt'*r; for jjj=1:length(epstab), epsL = max(epsLlast*epstab(jjj),1e-7); se=sqrt((s.*s)+epsL); gse=g./se; chg=((v*gse).*nrm); % check the change constraints and apply as necessary ochg=chg; for iii=1:n, if (maxstep(iii)==Inf), break; end; chg(iii)=max(chg(iii),-abs(maxstep(iii)*pprev(iii))); chg(iii)=min(chg(iii),abs(maxstep(iii)*pprev(iii))); end; if (verbose & any(ochg ~= chg)), disp(['Change in parameter(s): ' ... sprintf('%d ',find(ochg ~= chg)) 'were constrained']); end; aprec=abs(pprec.*pbest); %--- if (any(abs(chg) > 0.1*aprec)),%--- % only worth evaluating function if p=chg+pprev; % there is some non-miniscule change f=feval(func,x,p); r=wt.*(y-f); ss=r'*r; if sssgoal, break; end; end; % set return values % p=pbest; f=fbest; ss=sbest; kvg=((sbest>sgoal)|(sbest<=eps)|kvg); if kvg ~= 1 , disp(' CONVERGENCE NOT ACHIEVED! '), end; % CALC VARIANCE COV MATRIX AND CORRELATION MATRIX OF PARAMETERS % re-evaluate the Jacobian at optimal values jac=feval(dfdp,x,f,p,dp,func); msk = dp ~= 0; n = sum(msk); % reduce n to equal number of estimated parameters jac = jac(:, msk); % use only fitted parameters %% following section is Ray Muzic's estimate for covariance and correlation %% assuming covariance of data is a diagonal matrix proportional to %% diag(1/wt.^2). %% cov matrix of data est. from Bard Eq. 7-5-13, and Row 1 Table 5.1 Qinv=diag(wt.*wt); Q=diag((0*wt+1)./(wt.^2)); %[nrw ncw]=size(wt); %Q=ones(nrw,ncw)./wt; Q=diag(Q.*Q); resid=y-f; %un-weighted residuals covr=resid'*Qinv*resid*Q/(m-n); %covariance of residuals Vy=1/(1-n/m)*covr; % Eq. 7-13-22, Bard %covariance of the data covr=diag(covr); %for compact storage Z=((m-n)*jac'*Qinv*jac)/(n*resid'*Qinv*resid); stdresid=resid./sqrt(diag(Vy)); jtgjinv=inv(jac'*Qinv*jac); covp=jtgjinv*jac'*Qinv*Vy*Qinv*jac*jtgjinv; % Eq. 7-5-13, Bard %cov of parm est for k=1:n, for j=k:n, corp(k,j)=covp(k,j)/sqrt(abs(covp(k,k)*covp(j,j))); corp(j,k)=corp(k,j); end; end; %%% alt. est. of cov. mat. of parm.:(Delforge, Circulation, 82:1494-1504, 1990 %%disp('Alternate estimate of cov. of param. est.') %%acovp=resid'*Qinv*resid/(m-n)*jtgjinv %Calculate R^2 (Ref Draper & Smith p.46) % r=corrcoef(y,f); r2=r(1,2).^2; % if someone has asked for it, let them have it % if (verbose), eval(plotcmd); disp(' Least Squares Estimates of Parameters') disp(p') disp(' Correlation matrix of parameters estimated') disp(corp) disp('Covariance matriix of Residuals ' ) disp(covr) disp( 'Correlation Coefficient R^2') disp(r2) sprintf('95%% conf region: F(0.05)(%.0f,%.0f)>= delta_pvec''*Z*delta_pvec',n,m-n) Z end; % A modified version of Levenberg-Marquardt % Non-Linear Regression program previously submitted by R.Schrager. % This version corrects an error in that version and also provides % an easier to use version with automatic numerical calculation of % the Jacobian Matrix. In addition, this version calculates statistics % such as correlation, etc.... % % Version 3 Notes % Errors in the original version submitted by Shrager (now called version 1) % and the improved version of Jutan (now called version 2) have been corrected. % Additional features, statisitcal tests, and documentation have also been % included along with an example of usage. BEWARE: Some the the input and % output arguments were changed from the previous version. % % Ray Muzic % Arthur Jutan