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Raising Awareness

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Raising Awareness

Ocean-Climate News and Publications from Across WHOI


Black Girls Dive Scholars

Black Girls Dive Foundation Launches Program in Partnership with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Three BGDF scholars will participate in the BGD IMPETUS-Internship at WHOI. This paid, 10-week summer program provides an opportunity for BGD Scholars to engage in cutting-edge research.


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution working with Ocean Discovery League on next generation deep ocean sensor system

Group received $1.2MM NOAA grant, one of the largest single investments in technology targeting the deep sea.

Yawkey 2023

Yawkey Foundation and WHOI present: Ocean & Climate Outreach Series

Looking for a fun, free, interactive way to learn more about the mysteries of the ocean? WHOI & the Yawkey Foundation present the 2024 Ocean and Climate Outreach Series.

new vent

Warm water could persist within icy ocean worlds

A new study investigates how the influence of low gravity, as found on ocean worlds in our solar system, impacts flow of water and heat below their seafloors.


Wave activity on Saturn’s largest moon

MIT, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution researchers find wave activity on Saturn’s largest moon may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas.

alvin blue print

The story of a “champion” submersible

Alvin’s humble origins began alongside Wheaties cereal

Boxer crab

5 unlikely ocean friendships

How certain marine species keep each other safe, fed, and healthy through symbiosis

Twilight Zone Creatures

Five big discoveries from WHOI’s Ocean Twilight Zone Project

Six years since it began, WHOI’s Ocean Twilight Zone project brings new and exciting insights to bear

Whale Tail

For right whales, a dwindling food source is causing concern

As an important food source wanes in the Gulf of Maine, right whales are forced to venture further north into a minefield of ships and fishing gear

wind farm

Are offshore wind farms harming whales?

WHOI whale biologist Mark Baumgartner weighs in



Spellbinding footage captures critically endangered whale with her baby off the New England Coast

Where seas are rising at alarming speed

New video shows right whale, its calf off New England coast

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