Graphic & Web Design

Some concepts just can't be explained verbally. Many project managers or colleagues may not understand what you are doing—or would like to do—without a visual representation. Our designers understand the complexities of today’s communication demands, and can develop graphics that help explain your science or concept in a visual format.

Publications, brochures, posters, and much more...
Examples of our graphic designs include Oceanus Magazine, WHOI's Annual Report, and the WHOI calendar. We work with the authors to create meaningful and dynamic pieces that work on many levels of visual interest. We help select the most powerful images to complement the message, and use the best-practice methods of typography and hierarchy of information. Focusing on a clear vision of purpose helps our design team create the most compelling document possible for our clients.

Our team designed and helped develop the newly redesigned as well as Oceanus Magazine online. We also provide design support for WHOI's site builder tool (internal audience only). We start by assessing the current needs of our clients and the scope of the project, create the information architecture, and design and implement the web site.


We help with Exhibit Center displays and the many events that WHOI sponsors every year, such as trustee meetings and Employee Recognition Day. We design and provide banners, posters, and exhibits, right down to the menu cards on the tables.



Print design

  • Scientific posters
  • Promotional posters
  • Brochures
  • Magazines
  • Postcards
  • Stickers

Web design

  • Site architecture
  • User interface design
  • Interactive design and development
  • Mobile apps


Web development

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Responsive design
  • CMS, including Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, and WHOI CMS

Exhibit Design

  • Exhibits
  • Interactive kiosks
  • Katherine Spencer Joyce
    Katherine Spencer Joyce

    Lead Designer

    Katherine is the creative director who enjoys creating beautiful user interface designs.


  • Eric Taylor
    Eric Taylor

    Graphic Designer

    Eric is the lead graphic designer who specializes in both print and digital platforms.

Mailing: 266 Woods Hole Road, MS#5, Woods Hole, MA 02543
Campus address: Bell House, Quissett Campus