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WHOI Sea Grant Program

WHOI Sea Grant Program
Sea Grant extension specialists in the coastal processes, fisheries, and aquaculture fields work with coastal communities to ensure the latest science is available to resource managers, regulators, and users. (Photo by Jim O'Connell)
The WHOI Sea Grant Program supports research, education, and extension projects that encourage environmental stewardship, long-term economic development, and responsible use of the nation’s coastal and ocean resources. It is part of the National Sea Grant College Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a network of 30 programs located in each of the coastal and Great Lakes states, to foster cooperation among government, academia, industry, scientists, and the private sector.

Each year, the WHOI Sea Grant Program supports approximately 10 concurrent research projects and several smaller new initiatives, some of which address local and regional needs, while others have national or even global implications. Each of the projects fits into one of three theme areas.

In 2002, the Environmental Technology theme included projects such as the use of scanning electron microscopy to understand causes and implications of lobster shell disease. Work in the Estuarine and Coastal Processes theme ranged from the effect of chemical pollutants on marine invertebrates, marine mammals, and fish, to a study of the role of tidal marshes in the storage and release of nitrogen. Among the Fisheries and Aquaculture theme projects were studies of the effects of land-derived nitrogen on commercially important bivalves such as quahogs, soft-shell clams and bay scallops, and comparisons of offshore and near-shore lobster and squid population structures and their implications for fisheries management.

In addition to research, WHOI Sea Grant supports a marine extension program and a communications, public outreach, and education program. Major by-products of WHOI Sea Grant projects include publications, workshops, and lectures.

2002 Funding (funding year begins March 1)
Research support$170,919
Education Graduate students/Fellowships $69,106
K-12, undergrad, informal$23,564
Outreach and Extension$269,810
Total 2002 Budget$975,000*

* Sea Grant is a matching program. In addition to $975,000 in federal funds, $567,017 is contributed by private, state, and local funds or in-kind services, for a total 2002 programmatic budget of $1,542,017.

Judith E. McDowell, Sea Grant Coordinator