Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution


Awards and Recognition
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  • The Scientist magazine ranked the WHOI Biology Department as the second most cited organization in the U.S. in the field of pharmacology and toxicology.

  • Don Anderson was listed in ISIHighlyCited.com, in recognition of the high number of citations of his scientific papers.

  • Darlene Ketten was keynote speaker and featured scientist at the Australian Ministry of the Environment in Sydney, Australia.

  • Larry Madin and John Stegeman addressed the United Nations Law of the Sea conference respectively on, seamounts and deep coral beds and developing marine genetic resources.

  • Michael Moore received the Cape Cod Stranding Network Outstanding Service Award.

  • Lauren Mullineaux received the first WHOI Arnold B. Arons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Advising and Mentoring.

  • Mike Neubert was elected Chairman, Theoretical Ecology Section, Ecological Society of America.

  • John Stegeman was appointed Chair of the Institute of Medicine Committee on Health Effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam Veterans. He also gave a keynote address at the European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Alessandria, Italy.

  • Simon Thorrold was keynote speaker at the Third International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research and Application, Townsville, Australia.

  • Tim Shank received the Ocean Explorers Award from NOAA in recognizing of his research and outreach efforts regarding the evolution of deep-sea communities and species on the Galápagos Rift, seamounts, and polar ridge.

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Mail: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 266 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
E-Contact: info@whoi.edu; press relations: media@whoi.edu, tel. (508) 457-2000

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