Ice Tethered Profiler 72 Data

Data from ITP72 to be deployed in August 2013

Last buoy status on 2015/1/25 230101 UTC : temperature = -0.58 °C, battery = 10.47 V

Plot of ITP Buoy Status

Last position on 2015/1/25 230101 UTC : 80.4699° N, 7.7495° E

Plot of ITP Locations

Last profile (number 310) on 2013/12/16 602 UTC

Last profile mean motor current = 126.1428 mA, mean battery = 11.171 V

Plot of ITP Profiler Engineering Data

Last profile depth: minimum = 8.9369, maximum = 198.7571 m

Last profile temperature: minimum = -1.7905, maximum = 1.0367 °C

Last profile salinity: minimum = 32.5933, maximum = 34.7987

Composite Plot of ITP T & S Profiles

Plot of ITP T & S Contours

Last profile dissolved oxygen: minimum = 279.8879, maximum = 355.9107 μmol/kg

Composite Plot of ITP DO Profiles

Plot of ITP DO Contours

Composite Plot of ITP Turbidity & Chlorophyll a Profiles

Plot of ITP Turbidity & Chlorophyll a Contours

Composite Plot of ITP CDOM & PAR Profiles

Plot of ITP CDOM & PAR Contours

Last SAMI IMM transfer on 2013/10/29 13 UTC

Last Microcat sample (number 683) on 2013/10/28 173027 UTC

Last temperature = -1.7189 °C, salinity = 31.3727

Last Optode sample (number 683) on 2013/10/28 173022 UTC

Last Dissolved Oxygen = 378.1981 μmol/kg

Last SAMI pCO2 sample (number 682) on 2013/10/27 153016 UTC

Last pCO2 = 485.1416 μatm

Plot of SAMI Data

The raw GPS buoy location data are available in an ASCII file: itp72rawlocs.dat

Depth averaged profiler data files (with interpolated location) and time series SAMI data are available in two formats:

itp72grddata.tar.Z or

ITP72 was deployed on a 1.25 m thick ice floe in the Transpolar Drift on August 30, 2013 at 80° 49.505 N, 132° 37.966 W in collaboration with the Nansen and Amundsen Basins Observational System (NABOS) project from the Russian Research Vessel Federov. The ITP includes a dissolved oxygen sensor and full biosuite system and is operating on a pattern profiling sampling schedule including one full one-way profile between 7 and 760 m depth every 1.5 days and a fixed SAMI PCO2 and SAMI pH at 6 m depth. More information on the biosuite sensor package and data handling can be found here .