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Benthic Life

Light micrograph of the benthic foraminifer Nonionella stella, which thrives in anoxic sulfidic sediments far below the euphotic zone. Individuals are ~225 microns in diameter. Image credit: J.M. Bernhard.

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News & Insights

Imagining Home: scientist’s stay in the Arctic extended by coronavirus

WHOI biologist Carin Ashjian is aboard the icebreaker Polarstern in the Arctic as part of the year-long MOSAiC research expedition. She should be almost home by now. Instead, her stay has been extended by COVID19.

Finding medical answers in the ocean

The test being used to diagnose the novel coronavirus—and other pandemics like AIDS and SARS—was developed with the help of an enzyme isolated from a microbe found in marine hydrothermal vents as well as freshwater hot springs.

Falling in love with foraminifera

A marine geobiologist falls for the ‘brains’ and beauty of an ancient single-celled creature that can change its shell into a variety of geometric shapes.

How do you study marine metamorphosis?

Kirstin Meyer-Kaiser is a marine benthic ecologist, whose primary research focus is on how invertebrates establish themselves along the seafloor.

Seal Spy

Drones helps WHOI scientist measure the body mass of mother and pup seals during lactation

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News Releases

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WHOI in the News

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From Oceanus Magazine

The 10,000-foot view

WHOI’s Tom Bell tracks changes to vulnerable coastal ecosystems with aerial imagery

A cascade of life

The power of conservation, as seen through the lens of award-winning ocean photographer Henley Spiers

5 unlikely ocean friendships

How certain marine species keep each other safe, fed, and healthy through symbiosis

The Polar Imperative

WHOI researchers tackle big questions in a melting world

Wind Water and Ice

Like fiction, but real. Explore the “superpowers” of three Antarctic icons