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Top predator loss of habitat?

A study published in Science Advances by researchers at WHOI, San Diego State University, and NOAA Fisheries Service sounds an alarm bell for fisheries management in the Northwest Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Led by WHOI marine ecologist Camrin Braun, the researchers predict that economically and ecologically important marine predators (sharks, tuna, and billfish) will lose or shift away from up to 70% of their current habitat due to climate-driven warming of the ocean. Learn more at

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Underwater robot tracks ocean creatures

An innovative underwater robot known as Mesobot is providing researchers with deeper insight into the vast mid-ocean region known as the “twilight zone.” Capable of tracking and recording high-resolution images of slow-moving and fragile zooplankton, gelatinous animals, and particles, Mesobot greatly expands scientists’ ability to observe creatures in their mesopelagic habitat with minimal disturbance. This advance in engineering will enable a greater understanding of the role these creatures play in transporting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the deep sea, as well as how commercial exploitation of twilight zone fisheries might affect the marine ecosystem.

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Collaborating to Save the Right Whale

Fishermen, engineers, and scientists are working together to test and develop fishing gear that has no buoy lines in the water column to save the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. There are less than 400 North Atlantic Right Whales left in the world and many right whale deaths can be attributed to entanglement.

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Ocean Encounters: Saving the North Atlantic Right Whale

The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whales in the world, with an estimated 366 left on the planet. These animals are often found on the Continental Shelf of the East Coast of North America, making them vulnerable to human activities including fishing gear entanglements. In recent years, more whales have died than have been born. Join us as we examine the top threats facing North Atlantic right whales, and discuss the crucial efforts by the scientific community, fishing industry, and policymakers to develop the most effective and viable solutions to ensure the long-term survival of this critically endangered species.

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