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Groundwater and the Ocean

Groundwater and the Ocean

Groundwater comes from precipitation that falls on land. Some of this water evaporates into the atmosphere, gets taken up by plants, or flows into streams, but some infiltrates into the […]

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Buff Mussels

Buff Mussels

These deep-sea mussels were collected on an Alvin dive to the Florida Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico. This rocky platform, 1.6 miles below the surface, is made of […]

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Lingering Radioactivity

Lingering Radioactivity

A research team led by WHOI scientists collects samples of groundwater from a well on Enewetak Atoll, one of the tiny Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean (from left, WHOI […]

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Hot Spots on the River

Hot Spots on the River

WHOI scientists used a drone equipped with a thermal imaging sensor to create this image (inset) of a section of the Coonamessett River watershed in Falmouth, Mass. The thermal image […]

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Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

Members of the lab run by WHOI chemist Matt Charette installed equipment near the city of Sendai during a trip to Northeast Japan to collect groundwater samples. Charette and WHOI colleague Ken Buesseler Read More

Coral Investigators

Coral Investigators

Researchers Paul Henderson (left) and Luis Vasquez-Bedoya collect coral samples from a large reef in the waters off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Corals build their skeletons over time from calcium […]

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Thermal Eye in the Sky

Thermal Eye in the Sky

WHOI postdoctoral investigator Erika Johnson prepares to launch an aerial drone to survey the Coonamessett River in Falmouth, Mass. With its thermal camera, the drone can identify potential groundwater springs—which […]

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Summer Studies

Summer Studies

Each summer, undergraduates from around the world come to WHOI to learn about ocean science. The summer fellowship, which started in 1959, gives visiting students the opportunity to get […]

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Hole in One

Hole in One

WHOI geologist Jeff Donnelly and research assistant Richard Sullivan recently joined Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG) geologist Pete van Hengstum and undergraduate student Tyler Winkler in collecting cores from Thatchpoint Bluehole. […]

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A Drop in the Ocean

A Drop in the Ocean

Viewed from outer space, Earth has been called the Blue Planet. But if you could pull all the water in the ocean, the atmosphere, groundwater and surface water […]

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Coral Archives

Coral Archives

Researchers Paul Henderson (left) and Luis Vasquez-Bedoya collect coral samples from a large reef in the waters off Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Corals build their skeletons over time from calcium carbonate […]

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The River Styx?

The River Styx?

WHOI researchers Paul Henderson (left) and Matt Charette prepare to enter a cenote, or natural sinkhole, near Puerto Morelos, Mexico. The limestone bedrock in this region is very porous, with […]

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X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot

WHOI scientist Matt Charette and Carolina Ruiz Fernandez of the National Autonomous University of Mexico use a GPS device to determine the precise location of a cenote, or natural […]

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