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Celebrating Planktonic Biodiversity

Celebrating Planktonic Biodiversity

October 4, 2010

Planktonic animals from the world’s oceans drift across a poster celebrating the accomplishments of a long-term international research project, the Census of Marine Zooplankton (CMarZ). WHOI researchers Peter Wiebe, Nancy Copley, and Larry Madin joined the effort to find, identify, and analyze indicator genes of the world’s animal plankton—including many species never before discovered. CMarZ is one of more than seventeen research projects within the Census of Marine Life (CoML), a ten-year global program initiated by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation trying to answer the question, “What lives in the sea?” The final CoML report is being released October 4, 2010. The CMarZ poster is available through the WHOI store. (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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