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Discovery in the Celebes

Discovery in the Celebes

March 14, 2009

In October 2007, U. S. and Filipino scientists traveled to the Celebes Sea in Southeast Asia, searching for new species living in its deep water. When they discovered this extraordinary worm—which they named water. When they discovered this extraordinary worm—which they namedn“Squidworm”—they knew they had something completely different. WHOI scientist Larry Madin and National Geographic Society photographer Emory Kristof led the expedition, which was supported by the NOAA Office of Exploration the National Geographic Society, and the WHOI Ocean Life Institute (OLI). See more about the cruise and the unusual creatures they discovered in Oceanus magazine. A television program, “Into the Abyss,” featuring the cruise, Madin, and WHOI OLI director ,Cabell Davis will be shown on March 14, 2009, at 9 p.m. EST on the National Geographic  Channel.
(Photo by Larry Madin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).


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