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Hope for Corals in Crisis

Coral reefs around the world are facing a dangerous decline, but there is still hope! This behind-the-scenes video highlights some of the novel technologies and approaches WHOI researchers are developing to detect and diagnose at-risk corals before any visible signs of damage when there is still time to intervene. [Total runtime = 9:30]

The complexities of these dynamic coral reef ecosystems require solutions that are rooted in collaboration across disciplines. Researchers highlighted in this film include:

  • Amy Apprill – Microbial Ecologist
  • Aran Mooney – Sensory Biologist
  • Colleen Hansel – Marine Chemist
  • Yogi Girdhar – Underwater Roboticist

Read more about WHOI’s Reef Solutions Initiative


Production Team

  • Produced, Directed, Shot, and Edited by Craig LaPlante
  • Underwater Videography provided by Dan Mele
  • Additional video provided by Danny Hentz
  • Graphic Design by Riley Orlando
  • Production assistance was provided by Veronique LaCapra Ken Kostel Jayne Doucette

Image and Visual Licensing

WHOI copyright digital assets (stills and video) contained on this website can be licensed for non-commercial use upon request and approval. Please contact WHOI Digital Assets at or (508) 289-2647.