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Joe Pedlosky, 2011 Maurice Ewing Medalist

Joe Pedlosky, 2011 Maurice Ewing Medalist

December 8, 2011

On December 7, at the Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, WHOI’s Joe Pedlosky received the 2011 Maurice Ewing Medal. The medal is one of earth science’s most prestigious awards and is named in honor of Maurice Ewing, who made significant contributions to deep-sea exploration. The award citation noted the physical oceanographer’s “significant original contributions to the scientific understanding of the processes in the ocean” and for “outstanding service to the marine sciences.” Pedlosky is well known at WHOI for his role in helping organize the annual Geophysical Fluid Dynamics summer seminar and for playing clarinet with a local band.(Photo by Tom Kleindinst, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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