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80 Days in Greenland

Follow MIT/WHOI graduate student Ben Linhoff as he spends the 2012 field season camped at the foot of the Leverett Glacier in western Greenland watching the glacier and ice sheet […]

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Making Camp

Making Camp

Researchers collect gear delivered by helicopter at a site in West Greenland. The expedition led by WHOI oceanographer Fiamma Straneo and glaciologist Sarah Das in the summer of 2013 was […]

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Arctic Spring

Something surprising is happening in the Chukchi Sea north of Alaska. In 2011 a team of scientists aboard the Coast Guard icebreaker Healy discovered a massive springtime plankton bloom–one of […]

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Last Check

Last Check

WHOI technicians Jeff Pietro (left) and Kris Newhall work on the stern of R/V Knorr to prepare a connection between jacketed wire rope and electromechanical cable on a moored […]

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Securing the Package

Securing the Package

On the WHOI dock, research assistant Katherine Hoering and MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Sophie Chu test a self-contained package of sensors that can fully characterize the CO2 system in seawater. […]

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Bucket List

Bucket List

In November 2013, after many years overseeing Alvin activities as program manager at the National Science Foundation, Brian Midson (right) finally had his first dive in the sub. Afterward, Midson, […]

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry got a festive “makeover” aboard R/V Atlantis this month—WHOI engineer Justin Fujii used electrical tape and a […]

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