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Indisputable Evidence

Indisputable Evidence

The tip of this swordfish bill was found embedded in a deep-sea mooring in the 1980s. For years, WHOI engineers suspected that fish were damaging mooring components by biting them, […]

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Calm Before Deploy

Calm Before Deploy

A coastal surface mooring buoy was fastened to the main deck of R/V Knorr on Tuesday, November 19 in preparation for deployment. The buoy and other instruments on deck are […]

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A Good Omen

A Good Omen

“I think it was a good omen, as everything has gone smoothly so far,” is how WHOI senior scientist Al Plueddemann described the appearance of a snowy owl on the […]

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Small Changes, Big Impacts

Small Changes, Big Impacts

The pH scale, shown here, indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a liquid. Above pH=7, a fluid is alkaline; below 7, it is acidic. Seawater is slightly alkaline, […]

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Tiny, Delicate, Vulnerable

Tiny, Delicate, Vulnerable

Drifting with currents, tiny swimming marine snails called pteropods (“wing-foot”) are an important source of food for fish, whales, and other marine animals. Also called “sea butterflies,” pteropods have […]

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Core Knowledge

Core Knowledge

During a recent trip to Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, WHOI guest student Chris Maio assisted in the collection of sediment cores from the Beluga Slough salt marsh. The trip was funded […]

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Field of Clams

Field of Clams

Giant clams, some up to one foot long, line nooks in the seafloor off the Galápagos Islands where warm fluids flow up through cracks in rocks and feed the clams. […]

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Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

Marine chemist Chris Reddy recently joined a research cruise off the West Coast virtually via the new telepresence equipment installed in the Coleman and Susan Burke Ocean Observing Operations […]

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Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day

R/V Knorr Bosun Peter Liarikos and Shipboard Scientific Services Group technician Amy Simoneau release a catch of rock specimens collected with a dredge near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Scientists on […]

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Knife’s Edge

Knife's Edge

The long arm of Jason, the deep-diving remotely operated vehicle, was equipped with a serrated knife in 2012 to cut a mooring line 6,000 meters (nearly 4 miles) beneath […]

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Shark Tail

Shark Tail

Could a robotic vehicle follow a live, moving shark in the ocean? Engineers in WHOI’s Oceanographic Systems Lab took up that challenge, creating a system called SharkCam. It allowed […]

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Unexpected Guests

Unexpected Guests

The WHOI ship Atlantis II tied up at the dock in Woods Hole on December 13, 1977, with 11 seamen rescued from the Puerto Rican freighter Ensenada on board. Sipping hot […]

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