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Firing the Wiring

Firing the Wiring

In a mockup of the Alvin submarines personnel sphere, pilot Mike Skowronski tests the intricate system of wires that connect control panels to thrusters, ballast tanks, cameras, and […]

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Go Down Jason, Let My Mooring Go

When a trigger mechanism failed to release a key deep-sea instrument, WHOI physical oceanographer Ruth Curry brought together a gung-ho team to try to retrieve it.

By Daniel Cojanu, Elise Hugus […]

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Alvin’s Nervous System

Alvin's Nervous System

A 150-pound mass of copper wires, coaxial cable, connectors, and insulating jackets is guided by Alvin Electronics Technician and Pilot-in-Training Chris Lathan, who stands on top of the sub. […]

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Next Best Thing

Next Best Thing

Typically, a common oceanographic instrument known as an eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT)  are deployed by hand from research and cargo ships to collect a variety of data including temperature and depth. […]

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Flotation Fit

Flotation Fit

When newly made blocks of syntactic foam for the upgraded Alvin submersible arrived from the manufacturer, WHOI research engineer Rod Catanach tested each to ensure they fit correctly. The […]

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Keyhole in a Storm

Keyhole in a Storm

An unusual shape on the main deck of the WHOI-operated research vessel Knorr is called a “keyhole cut out,” and it once provided deck hands a position near the bow […]

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Blue Hawaii

Blue Hawaii

From a small boat, MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Max Kaplan stretches out to retrieve a drifter buoy from waters off Hawaii. In May 2013 Kaplan and WHOI biologist Read More

Rockets’ Wet Glare

Rockets' Wet Glare

What looks like a nighttime fireworks display on a fine summer night actually couldn’t be further from the truth. This spring, a team led by WHOI senior scientist Rocky Geyer […]

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Hunting Radioactivity

Hunting Radioactivity

Japanese biologist, Hiroomi Miyamoto, checks on an aerosol sampler during the 2011 R/V Ka’imikai-O-Kanaloa cruise off the northeast coast of Japan near Fukushima. The sampler, which was fastened to the […]

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