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All in a Day’s Work

All in a Day's Work

A team of scientists and technicians enjoy the sun and sea ice at the end of a long day of coring in the Beaufort Sea aboard the U.S. Coast Guard…

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Leading with CTDs

Leading with CTDs

Oliver Zafiriou (left, holding rope) and crew of R/V Oceanus launch a water sampler on an October 1991 cruise. The shipboard instrument, known as a CTD for the fact that it…

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Tipping the Scales

Tipping the Scales

WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz holds a single haddock scale collected in the 1930s, one of millions of fish scales filed at the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole.…

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Reaching Out, From Sea

Reaching Out, From Sea

Author Dallas Murphy (left) and WHOI post-doc Benjamin Harden confer on the bridge of R/V Lance recently about the day’s outreach activities during a cruise in the Arctic Ocean. Murphy…

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A Healthy Mystery

A Healthy Mystery

Lush, diverse, healthy coral reefs in Palau are living where they shouldn’t be—under lower-than-normal pH levels that are equal to what the ocean is projected to have by the end…

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Help From a Friend

Help From a Friend

In Terre Adélie, Antarctica, WHOI biologist Stephanie Jenouvrier holds a five-month-old emperor penguin chick in preparation to tag it. Tagging young birds, coupled with a long-term study of this penguin…

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Ready to Dive and Discover

Ready to Dive and Discover

Hydrothermal vents are famous for chimneys that belch hot, mineral-laden water from deep beneath the ocean floor. Not all the fluid at vent sites flows so dramatically, though. Some diffuse…

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Mud Pie, Anyone?

Mud Pie, Anyone?

Konstantinos Kormas (left) from the University of Thessaly and Colin Morrison, an undergraduate at the University of Nevada, Reno, collect sediment scooped from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by…

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Piering into the Future

Piering into the Future

“As research equipment gets larger and more sophisticated, the crowding conditions on the exisitng pier will become intolerable,” wrote WHOI Director Paul Fye in 1963. It would be a few…

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Up in the Air

Up in the Air

A video plankton recorder (VPR) is hoisted aboard R/V New Horizon before an August 2012 cruise led by WHOI biologist Gareth Lawson. The VPR is a system that images plankton…

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Dangerous Beauty

Dangerous Beauty

An ethereal, distant iceberg can can extend to more than 500 meters below the surface and can actually batter and destroy moorings. Physical oceanographer Fiamma Straneo and engineer Will Ostrom…

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Carbon Cycle in Action

Carbon Cycle in Action

Summer Student Fellow Jen Reeve (left) and WHOI marine chemist Amanda Spivak collect sediment samples from an experiment in Spivak’s flow-through seawater system (the white tanks behind them). With water…

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The Ocean’s Hidden Predators: Revealed

Marine biologist Greg Skomal and engineer Amy Kukulya discuss the importance of sharks in the ecosystem, the threats they are under, and how new technology–the SharkCam, is helping researchers learn…

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AUV Sentry

The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry is a capable of reaching a depth of 6000 meters and carries a wide range of scientific samplers and sensors . Its shape and…

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Life, Smoke, and Fire Underwater

Life, Smoke, and Fire Underwater

Wednesday, December 4, is opening night for Global Viewport to Deep-Sea Vents, a collaborative exhibit created by WHOI and the Ocean Explorium in New Bedford. Visitors will learn about the…

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Back from Below

Back from Below

During a June 2013 trip from Barbados to Woods Hole, scientists and engineers on board R/V Knorr took a close look at regions of the seafloor along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge…

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One Cell, Many Rooms

One Cell, Many Rooms

What look like grapes or bubbles are actually chambers of a single-celled foraminiferan (or foram). Almost 1mm in diameter, the foram is large enough to see with the naked eye.…

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The First of Many

The First of Many

Today, WHOI’s mooring and instrument engineers are world-renowned for their expertise in designing and deploying deep-sea mooring arrays. That expertise dates back more than 50 years, when researchers first attempted…

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Bridge to the Future

Bridge to the Future

The inside of the bridge of R/V Neil Armstrong was left to dry after workers sprayed a thermal coating that will prevent condensation buildup on the steel bulkheads and ceiling…

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Indisputable Evidence

Indisputable Evidence

The tip of this swordfish bill was found embedded in a deep-sea mooring in the 1980s. For years, WHOI engineers suspected that fish were damaging mooring components by biting them,…

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Calm Before Deploy

Calm Before Deploy

A coastal surface mooring buoy was fastened to the main deck of R/V Knorr on Tuesday, November 19 in preparation for deployment. The buoy and other instruments on deck are…

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Day at the Beach

Day at the Beach

Members of the lab run by WHOI chemist Matt Charette installed equipment on a beach during a recent trip to Northeast Japan. In addition to collecting groundwater samples near the…

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A Good Omen

A Good Omen

“I think it was a good omen, as everything has gone smoothly so far,” is how WHOI senior scientist Al Plueddemann described the appearance of a snowy owl on the…

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Into the Murk

Into the Murk

Researchers Craig Taylor and Maria Pachiadaki bolt a turbidity meter to a chain hanging from a Microbial Sampler-Submersible Incubation Device (MS-SID). They used the MS-SID to collect water and microbes…

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