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The First Atlantis

The First Atlantis

Atlantis, the first ship used at WHOI for multidisciplinary ocean research, departed for sea trials after it was built in 1931. The 142-foot, ketch-rigged Atlantis retired from service to the U.S. […]

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A New Pattern Emerges

A New Pattern Emerges

Regular changes in sea-surface temperature in the Pacific Ocean, such as , such as El Niño and La Niña, influence precipitation and storms over a wide swath of the globe. […]

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Game Changer

Game Changer

In October, WHOI engineers working in Guam made a major breakthrough in remote vehicle technology. Using the hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus equipped with an optical modem, […]

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ASIMET animation

(Animation by Jack Cook, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

By Hugh Powell, Jack Cook :: Originally published online March 30, 2007

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Beneath Shark Skin

Beneath Shark Skin

This fall, a fisherman in California caught this four foot-long great white shark and brought it to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, where it died a short time later. The six […]

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Elegant Anemone

Elegant Anemone

The half-inch-long starlet anemone, Nematostella vectensis, is a relative of reef-building corals. It lives in salt marshes along the east coast from Canada to Georgia, is easy to grow in […]

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Bird’s Eye View

Bird's Eye View

This aerial photo of Woods Hole village shows the two large WHOI-operated research vessels, Atlantis, left, and Knorr, right, at the WHOI dock overlooking Great Harbor. Many improvements […]

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Seal Sightings

Seal Sightings

People come from miles away to see the seals off the shores of Cape Cod, but the animals are creating some challenges for local fishermen. Increasing seal populations led to […]

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Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

At sea, traditions that speak of home and loved ones take on greater meaning. In 1952, Capt. John Pike carved a Thanksgiving turkey in the wardroom aboard R/V Atlantis […]

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A Very Rare Moment

A Very Rare Moment

For the first time in recent memory, WHOI’s two large research vessels, Knorr and Atlantis, sit side-by-side during a scheduled maintenance period in Detyen’s Shipyard in Charleston, […]

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New Species from the Deep

New Species from the Deep

Last January, WHOI scientist Chris German led an international research expedition to the Caribbean aboard R/V Atlantis to explore hydrothermal vent sites on the Mid-Cayman Rise, which were Read More