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Surrounded by Work

Surrounded by Work

It’s been 18 months since engineers took Alvin apart, a major undertaking involving submersible pilots Dave Walter (center) and Bruce Strickrott (right) as well as a host of WHOI engineers and…

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Making an Impact

Making an Impact

The MIT-WHOI Broader Impacts Group (BIG) hosted it’s inaugural event on June 19th at the WHOI Ocean Science Exhibit Center. Invited guests included individuals from WHOI and other Woods Hole…

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Denizens of the Deep

Denizens of the Deep

WHOI microbial ecologist Virginia Edgcomb collected the organisms shown here in 2009 from the top of a deep, hypersaline, anoxic lake on the Mediterranean seafloor. The bright blue color comes…

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In Their Own World

In Their Own World

During an early-winter expedition to the Arctic led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution biologist Carin Ashjian, investigators used a video plankton recorder  (VPR) to study tiny animal plankton in the…

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Under Pressure

Under Pressure

WHOI engineers Griff Outlaw (front) and Brian Durante monitor a gauge while pressure testing syntactic foam to be used in the improved research submersible Alvin. The foam, which will provide buoyancy for…

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Hands-on Lessons

Hands-on Lessons

Jesse McNichol (left) and Emily Moburg retrieve a rosette sampler to the deck of R/V Tioga during a recent cruise in Buzzards Bay. The two first-year MIT/WHOI Joint Program students…

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The View from Greenland

The View from Greenland

A team of researchers that includes MIT/WHOI Joint Program graduate student Ben Linhoff, approached Leverett Glacier on the southwestern edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Linhoff and his colleagues are…

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New and Improved

New and Improved

Nearly 18 months after Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution engineers Dave Walter (left) and Bruce Strickrott took the deep sea submersible Alvin apart, they are now beginning to put it back…

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Taking Apart Brown Tide Algae

Taking Apart Brown Tide Algae

In the summer, a single-celled marine algae species often causes “brown tides” in estuaries along the U.S. East Coast, killing seagrass, decimating shellfish, and costing local economies millions of dollars.…

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A Lost Glory, Found

A Lost Glory, Found

An underwater camera and lighting system devised by WHOI scientist Dan Fornari recently revealed part of the long-lost Pink Terraces near the bottom of Lake Rotomahana, New Zealand. The Pink…

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Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice

The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy plows a path through ice in the Beaufort Sea. Evidence of Earth’s changing climate is especially visible in the Arctic, making it an important area…

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Roughing It, Greenland Style

Roughing It, Greenland Style

Until early August, this is Ben Linhoff’s home in Greenland. Linhoff is a second-year graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program and is spending his second summer studying Leverett Glacier…

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By the Siphonophore’s Red Glare

By the Siphonophore's Red Glare

Happy Independence Day from WHOI and Athorybia rosacea, a siphonophore collected on a Census of Marine Zooplankton cruise off the U.S. East Coast. (Photo by Larry Madin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

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Let Construction Begin

Let Construction Begin

With the completion of a new personnel sphere, the submersible Alvin is on the way to becoming a stronger, roomier, and more capable research submersible. After two years of design, construction,…

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Twin Sisters

Twin Sisters

Despite some differences in appearance, these are actually sister ships. R/V Wecoma (left) and R/V Oceanus are both operated by Oregon State University on behalf of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory…

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Governor Patrick Visits WHOI

Governor Patrick Visits WHOI

Last Fall, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick visited WHOI for the first time, touring several labs and learning about the Institution’s robotic vehicle development and ocean observing programs. Here WHOI Associate Scientist…

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Power-hitting Microbiologist

Power-hitting Microbiologist

Summer brings catching chemists, fielding physicists, and batting biologists—like Louie Wurch (here), to McKee Field at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to play in the long-running WHOI softball league. Since 2007,…

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On a Clear Day

On a Clear Day

Technician Scott Hiller tends to a buoy in the Bering Sea during a 2009 Polar Discovery expedition. Buoys sit atop a long chain of instruments that monitor ocean conditions, and…

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Pacific Highway

Pacific Highway

An international scientific team led by WHOI marine chemist Ken Buesseler completed a research cruise in June 2011 to assess the levels and dispersion of radioactive substances from the Fukushima…

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The Original Alvin

The Original Alvin

A new titanium personnel sphere for the submersible Alvin passed pressure tests last week  and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow in Woods Hole, where the newest incarnation of Alvin will…

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