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Diwali Night at WHOI

Diwali Night at WHOI

A group of women wearing traditional Indian saris and the colorful forehead decoration known as bindi take a moment during WHOI’s Diwali Night celebration to pose for a photo. Diwali […]

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An A for Alvin

An A for Alvin

The deep submersible Alvin is recovered to the massive steel A-frame on the stern of its support ship R/V Atlantis. This was the first dive of a December cruise […]

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Happy Birthday Nat!

Happy Birthday Nat!

In 1948, Nat Corwin (above) made his first cruise on a WHOI vessel, sailing aboard the original Atlantis to the Mediterranean. He later sailed as chief scientist aboard Read More

Nice To Meet You

Nice To Meet You

Pilot Mike Skowronski (foreground) conducts a post-dive check of Alvin‘s starboard manipulator arm. Some 75 space shuttle pilots have flown missions, but since 1965, the job of driving […]

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A Matter of Crust

A Matter of Crust

WHOI scientists and students take a break while hiking to see the Ocean Crust Transition exposed in the Swiss and Italian Alps during the 2010 Geodynamics Study Tour. The field […]

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NOMADs in Port

NOMADs in Port

At the port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, workers prepare to bring two yellow NOMAD buoys aboard the R/V Roger Revelle in July, 2010. The buoys were too large to be […]

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An “A” for Effort

An "A" for Effort

In December 2010, R/V Atlantis docked in Jacksonville, Florida, for periodic maintenance, during which time the submersible Alvin was removed from the ship and trucked back to Woods […]

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Scrubbing the Sub

Scrubbing the Sub

After the last dive of any Alvin cruise the sub’s crew and science party get out on deck to take the skins off the vehicle and scrub everything down […]

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Ready to Dive

Ready to Dive

The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Jason is strapped to the deck of the University of Washington’s research vessel R/V Thomas Thompson. During the summer 2010 cruise, the ROV […]

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Signs of stress

Signs of stress

A staghorn coral branch (Acropora cervicornis) on a reef west of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, suffers from White Band Syndrome, a coral disease that has been a significant source […]

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Alvin Home Again

Alvin Home Again

In December 2010, the deep-submergence vehicle Alvin was trucked to Woods Hole from Jacksonville, Florida, where its support ship R/V Atlantis is undergoing routine maintenance. Alvin was then […]

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