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Take the A-Frame

Take the A-Frame

Scientific instruments go into the water off the back of the ship, from an area called the fantail. Here, a pair of bongo nets— they look like a pair […]

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Passing muster

Passing muster

A trio of Emperor penguins appear to inspect a sled full of equipment during an Antarctic expedition in January. The team of researchers, led by Stan Jacobs of Lamont […]

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Coming and going

Coming and going

The R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer pulled alongside an ice floe during a January-February 2009 Antarctic research cruise, so scientists aboard could take ice cores and samples. On the surface of […]

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Ahead of the pack

Ahead of the pack

Twelve hours out of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, the scientists and crew aboard the Coast Guard Cutter, Healy, encountered the first patches of sea ice on their 40-day expedition. The […]

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Orange aide

Orange aide

Engineering assistant Rob Handy handles a line during recovery of an ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) aboard R/V Atlantis in January 2009.  The OBS was just one of 41 deployed along […]

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Toasting a new ship

Toasting a new ship

Donor Hope Smith christens the R/V Tioga on March 29, 2004, as then-WHOI Director of Marine Operations Dick Pittenger looks on. The name Tioga comes from the Iroquois for […]

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Air fishing

Air fishing

The return of the famed osprey pair to the nest on the WHOI Quissett Campus is a sure sign that spring has almost sprung. Ospreys, which dine almost exclusively […]

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The little ship that could

The little ship that could

Since its delivery to Woods Hole on April 16, 2004, the coastal research vessel Tioga, shown here approaching the WHOI dock, has been used to collect water samples during […]

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Into the wide blue yonder

Into the wide blue yonder

The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy steams north out of Dutch Harbor, a port in the Aleutian Islands of southwestern Alaska, heading toward the ice of the Bering Sea. The […]

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Dig what he’s saying?

Dig what he's saying?

Maurice Tivey, a geologist at WHOI, addressed an international group of scientists, policymakers, environmentalists, and industry representatives who gathered at WHOI in early April 2009 for a workshop and […]

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