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Going for the GUSTO (Mooring)

Going for the GUSTO (Mooring)

In the fall of 2007, WHOI’s mooring specialists had a difficult task: try to recover instruments from the deep water even though they couldn’t see them. The work required use…

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Sentry on the Horizon

Sentry on the Horizon

Engineer Rod Catanach steadies the Sentry autonomous underwater vehicle as it is lowered for tests off the WHOI dock in November 2007. Sentry is a robot built for exploring the…

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Down the Tubes

Down the Tubes

A top-down view through the massive, lead-filled core head—which can weigh as much as 25,000 pounds—offers an unusual view of the driving force behind WHOI’s new long-core system. The center…

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Hide the Cats

Hide the Cats

WHOI technician Devin Ruddick and geophysicist Rob Reves-Sohn use a Swedish flag to cover the freshly painted Puma and Jaguar AUVs before their unveiling later that night to crew members…

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One Good Turn

One Good Turn

MIT/WHOI Joint Program graduate student Jonathan Woodruff works to extract a sediment core from Sippewissett Marsh in Massachusetts. Along with advisor Jeff Donnelly, Woodruff is trying to piece together the…

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Troubled Species

Troubled Species

WHOI research associate Andrea Bogomolni and research specialist Michael Moore take a blood sample from a dying eider duck on a beach in Wellfleet, Mass., in the summer of 2007.…

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Big Head

Big Head

Sunrise illuminates the bottom of the corehead of WHOI’s new long coring system on the research vessel Knorr. The head is held fast (in its stowed position) by the jaws…

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Dawn of a New Year and Era

Dawn of a New Year and Era

The new hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus is lowered toward Atlantic waters for one of its many engineering tests in 2007. In November, the one-of-a-kind vehicle made its first…

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Setting a Trap

Setting a Trap

Scientific and ship crew members on the research vessel Oceanus work to deploy a sediment trap off the New England coast. Marine chemist Tim Eglinton and colleagues are investigating how…

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A Well-Oiled Machine (Shop)

A Well-Oiled Machine (Shop)

Michael McCarthy (black shirt) of WHOI Operational Scientific Services and Neil McPhee (red shirt) of the Instrument Systems Development Lab stand atop a new tsunami and earthquake monitoring buoy being…

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Exploring an Underground Sea

Exploring an Underground Sea

Senior engineer Tom Austin of the Oceanographic Systems Laboratory (OSL) steadies a custom-built REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle as it is raised off its storage platform. In 2003, the specially designed…

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Art Meets Science

Art Meets Science

WHOI animation specialist Jack Cook (center) works with senior research specialist Jim Broda (right) on an animation of the new WHOI long-coring system for the research vessel Knorr. WHOI Graphic…

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Venerable Ocean Explorer

Venerable Ocean Explorer

In 41 years of operation, the submersible Alvin has logged more than 4,300 dives and 30,000 hours exploring the deep ocean, diving a combined total of more than 9 million…

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Power Play

Power Play

Captain Kent Sheasley (center, background) directs the crane and chief engineer Pat Mone tends the line (foreground) as a propulsion motor is removed from the research vessel Knorr for maintenance.…

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Cool Yule

Cool Yule

Ocean-going research doesn’t wait for holidays, so the science and ship crews take the holidays with them. On Christmas morning 2006, during an expedition to the East Pacific Rise, the…

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Black Tie Required

Black Tie Required

Cape Royds in Antarctica is a spectacular place, with brilliant blue-white ice stretching out to sea and black sand beaches warming in the sun. Penguins are everywhere, seemingly always on…

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At the WHOI dock, Aaron Kayes of the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) holds the rope line and Frank Raspante of Hydroid, Inc., holds a tail fin as the REMUS-6000 vehicle…

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The Weather Outside is Frightful

The Weather Outside is Frightful

An Adélie penguin hunches down over its nest as icy winds whip across Cape Royds. Nearly 80 percent of Adélie chicks do not survive their first year, according to researcher…

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Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy

Summertime, and the Livin' is Easy

It’s Solstice day, but what that means depends on which end of the earth you live on. In the northern hemisphere, mid-winter’s day is the shortest (and the night is…

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Making a Splash with Spray

Making a Splash with Spray

WHOI senior engineering assistant Brian Guest and engineer Jeff Sherman of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography work with a Spray glider in a Quissett Campus lab in April 2004. Guest…

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Fresh Tomatoes

Fresh Tomatoes

While working in Antarctica, some research groups travel with a complete portable shelter called a “tomato.”  The fiberglass-walled unit keeps people out of the elements and provides a place to…

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Looking for the Quake in the Earth

Looking for the Quake in the Earth

WHOI geophysicist Jian Lin (in blue shirt) and colleagues examine geological evidence of past earthquakes near the Mediterranean coast of Algeria. Lin’s work in that nation has been funded by…

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Getting Ready to Leave the Nest

Getting Ready to Leave the Nest

The hybrid remotely operated vehicle (HROV) Nereus was tested several times from the Woods Hole dock in 2007, and recently underwent open-water trials off Hawaii in November. Now in the…

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A Straw Full of Mud Shake

A Straw Full of Mud Shake

Muddy sediment from beneath the seafloor pokes out of one of the first long cores collected by the new sampling system on the research vessel Knorr. Scientists use sediment cores…

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