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Getting in Tune

Getting in Tune

Able seaman Ronnie Whims, part of the crew of the research vessel Oceanus, plucks out a tune on his guitar while resting on the ship’s port-side deck near a Craib…

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Staying On Top of His Work

Staying On Top of His Work

Senior engineering assistant Jeff Lord of the WHOI Upper Ocean Processes Group adjusts and services the instruments atop a deep-ocean moored buoy on October 27, 2007. The research vessel Ronald…

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Ice Water

Ice Water

The research vessel Knorr stands tall amid the pleasure boats and working boats at a dock in Reykjavik harbor. The ship put in some port time in Iceland before headling…

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WHOI research specialist Frank Bahr (left) and oceanographer Jerry Dean recover the Seasoar towed vehicle (with a mounted video plankton recorder) in February 1997 from the research vessel Oceanus. The…

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Teeming with Opportunity

Teeming with Opportunity

WHOI scientists captured this view of a coral reef in the Red Sea during a spring 2007 visit to Saudi Arabia. Researchers from the Middle East kingdom have asked WHOI…

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Go Sox

Go Sox

Working and living at sea is never easy, but it is even harder when your favorite team is in the World Series and you aren’t due home for two weeks.…

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A Firm Grip

A Firm Grip

Marine technician Gary Austin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s Marine Physical Laboratory assembles a soft tether release on the Low Frequency Acoustic Seismic Experiment (LFASE)  in August 1989. Researchers…

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Cut Ups

Cut Ups

Adelphi University researchers Amanda Uster and Beth Christensen (right) open a sediment core retrieved from the continental shelf off New Jersey during an August 2007 expedition on the research vessel…

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Dog Days

Dog Days

WHOI research associate Terry Hammar works to attach some lead weights to a release mechanism beneath the ‘dog dish’ in preparation for testing the new “long core” system on the…

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Ice Capades

(Video by Tim Silva, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) By Lonny Lippsett, Tim Silva :: Originally published online October 25, 2007

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He Doesn’t Do Windows

He Doesn't Do Windows

WHOI engineering assistant Sean Whelan cleans the longwave and shortwave radiometer domes on top of a Northwest Tropical Atlantic Station buoy during an April 2006 expedition off Barbados. The buoys measure…

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Learning from a Master

Learning from a Master

WHOI senior engineering assistant John Kemp got his hands (and knees) dirty in the summer of 2006 while leading the logistical effort to deploy 62 moorings for the Shallow Water…

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Next of Kin

Next of Kin

On December 11, 1968, the Deep Submergence Vehicle Sea Cliff (DSV-4) was christened and launched at Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation for the U.S. Navy. The personnel sphere…

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First Mud

First Mud

[From foreground to background] WHOI researchers Bill Curry and Jim Broda, as well as Rolf Ambjornsen of the Norwegian marine services company Odim, help retrieve the first sediment ever collected…

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Clap Trap

Clap Trap

A set of “clap traps” await deployment on the fantail of the research vessel Roger Revelle in the summer of 2005. Clap traps are moored instruments designed to collect particles…

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A Closer Look

A Closer Look

2007 Summer Student Fellow Carolina Gutierrez assists Tom Siemens (Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center of the University of New England) with a necropsy on a seal. Dozens of animals, most often…

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Far Afield

Far Afield

WHOI Trustee Peter Aron gets a close-up view of a penguin during a cruise with the WHOI Associates to the Sub-Antarctic Islands, Tasmania, and New Zealand in November 2005. The…

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WHOI on the Big Stage

WHOI on the Big Stage

WHOI’s Acting President and Director James Luyten joins other state and federal dignitaries in announcing a $97.7 million contract to support the development, installation, and initial operation of the coastal…

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Cannon Salute

Cannon Salute

Senior Engineer Ben Allen fires a canon to herald the return of research vessel Knorr as it cruised into Woods Hole after the successful first test of the ship’s new…

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Circulatory System of the Ocean

Circulatory System of the Ocean

A global system of ocean circulation—often called the “great ocean conveyor” transports vast amounts of heat and salt around the planet via warmer surface currents (red) and colder deep currents…

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Steady as She Goes

Steady as She Goes

Tess Brandon and Kelsey Winsor 2007 participants in the Summer Student Fellowship program deploy a box corer off the stern of research vessel Tioga. In addition to lectures and time…

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