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St. Louis Has Nothing on This Arch

St. Louis Has Nothing on This Arch

Fogbows usually appear in the Arctic Ocean whenever overcast skies clear, as water droplets in the fog reflect and refract the beams of sunlight. The bow of the Swedish icebreaker…

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Ocean on a Table

Ocean on a Table

WHOI physical oceanographer Claudia Cenedese (left) and Rachel Bueno de Mesquita, a visiting researcher from the University of Rome, developed this laboratory experiment to study fluid flow and eddies around…

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Cold Pillows

Cold Pillows

The camera on the new Camper towed underwater vehicle photographed these pillow lavas on the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean along the Gakkel Ridge in mid-July 2007. Researchers have been…

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Saving Face

Saving Face

Even in the springtime, the air and winds in the Arctic can be so cold that skin grows raw and wind-burned after just a few minutes. The moisture in your…

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It’s a Gas

It's a Gas

Methane seeping from the seafloor sustains microbes that serve as the base of the food chain for communities of animals, like these tubeworms, which thrive in the sunless depths. Far…

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Buoy Riders

Buoy Riders

Service calls to buoys in the middle of the ocean are anything butroutine. In April 2006, research specialist Frank Bahr and senior engineering assistant Jeff Lord from the WHOI Upper…

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First Timer

First Timer

Silhouetted in the early morning twilight, MIT/WHOI graduate student Carly Strasser waves farewell to her shipmates before boarding the Alvin submersible for her first dive. Strasser was accompanied by Monika…

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Science Gear in Deep Freeze

Science Gear in Deep Freeze

Crates and bins of science gear from WHOI and five other institutions were stacked up outside a research warehouse at the airport in Resolute Bay, Canada, in April 2007. Every…

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CSI Woods Hole

CSI Woods Hole

Bridgett Dunnigan of the National Marine Life Center and Joy Reidenberg of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine examine a 900-pound leatherback turtle during a necropsy in May 2007.  Many…

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Lighting Up the Abyss

Lighting Up the Abyss

A new light-emitting diode (LED) system built by Deep Sea Power & Light was recently tested on the Alvin submersible during engineering dives in June off San Diego. The green…

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Time to Check the Data

Time to Check the Data

Physical oceanographer Bob Weller and engineering assistant Sean Whelan examine, inspect, and remove sensors from the long wave radiation and short wave radiation modules on the CLIMODE-2 buoy. The CLIVAR…

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ITP Goes Sledding

ITP Goes Sledding

WHOI research associate Rick Krishfield and engineering assistant Kris Newhall take part of an ice-tethered profiler (ITP) for a sled ride between a warehouse—where they tested and prepped it—and outdoor…

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Expanding Horizons

Expanding Horizons

Ken Houtler, captain of the coastal research vessel Tioga, teaches Summer Student Fellow DeAnna McCadney how to use a sextant during a demonstration cruise in July 2006. Every summer, dozens…

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Crabby Investigators

Crabby Investigators

For decades, marine chemists and ecologists have been wondering: does the oil that was spilled into a Cape Cod salt marsh in 1969 still have an impact on the wildlife…

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What Does It Take to Break a Whale?

What Does It Take to Break a Whale?

MIT/WHOI graduate student Regina Campbell-Malone put a 493-pound, 14-foot whale jawbone through a series of stress tests to assess the amount of force required to break whale bones. Campbell-Malone, advisor…

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Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day

Postdoctoral fellow Rhian Waller holds a bundle of tubeworms collected during a seafloor dive by scientists in the Alvin submersible to the Galapagos Rift. Waller is a benthic ecologist who…

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Illuminating Work

Illuminating Work

Former WHOI associate scientist Paul Dunlap works in his biology laboratory in 1995 on an experiment with bioluminescent bacteria. Marine organisms ranging from bacteria to fish make their own chemically…

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Great Way to Spend a Summer Day

Great Way to Spend a Summer Day

Researchers and ship crewmembers from the icebreaker Oden shovel and pick their way through ice and snow to open a hole to the Arctic Ocean. WHOI engineers tested new underwater…

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Cell-sized Thermometers

Cell-sized Thermometers

Some benthic foraminifera, such as the one shown in this scanning electron micrograph, are single-celled organisms whose calcium carbonate shells contain information about the temperature of the water they grew…

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Wing Man

Wing Man

Co-pilot Travis Goetzinger sweeps frost off of the wings of a Twin Otter airplane in preparation for takeoff in April 2007. “Frosted wings can decrease lift by 30 percent and…

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Fully Loaded

Fully Loaded

The fantail of the research vessel Oceanus is crowded with gear as scientists and technicians prepare to cruise from Woods Hole to the Gulf Stream and back in November 2005.…

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Steady Hands

Steady Hands

Ken Houtler, captain of coastal research vessel Tioga, handles the wheel while first mate Ian Hanley joins him on watch. In March 2007, Houtler and Hanley cruised the 60-foot boat…

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Lining Up for Takeoff

Lining Up for Takeoff

Airport crews and research technicians lined up their science gear on the tarmac of the Resolute Bay (Canada) airport for shipment to the Canadian Forces Station Alert and, ultimately, the…

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