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A hawsehole in the bow of the icebreaker Oden frames the work of researchers and ship’s crew as they make a hole in the ice for launching underwater vehicles. An…

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The Core of Woods Hole

The Core of Woods Hole

Researchers Dick Edwards and Dick Leahy examine a sediment core aboard the original research vessel Atlantis in 1959.  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has been taking scientists to sea and bringing…

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Born Under a Good Sign

Born Under a Good Sign

Nature greets the newly deployed WHOI Hawaii Ocean Time Series (WHOTS) IV buoy during deployment off Hawaii with a sign of good fortune on June 25, 2007. The long-term ocean…

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Bare Bones

Bare Bones

The skeletal hind flipper of a harbor seal includes finger-like bones, as shown in this articulated display specimen plucked from a Woods Hole warehouse. WHOI biologists work with marine mammal…

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A for Effort

A for Effort

The crew of the research vessel Knorr uses some port time to work on the A-frame on the stern, which is used for balancing lines and supporting weight as crews…

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Noise Maker

Noise Maker

Boatswain Jim McGill (left) of the WHOI-operated research vessel Oceanus assists scientists from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Penn State University as they deploy a towed, mid-range sound source…

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Need a Release

Need a Release

WHOI research specialist Rick Krishfield (left, with clipboard) and ship’s boatswain Bob Taylor (foreground) observe as WHOI engineering assistants John Kemp and Kris Newhall assemble a mooring on the deck…

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Bearing North

Bearing North

The Swedish icebreaker Oden and a science party from WHOI departs Tromso, Norway, for a week of vehicle engineering trials in the Arctic Ocean. In late May and early June, WHOI…

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Cannonball or Cabbage?

Cannonball or Cabbage?

This specimen of Stomolophus meleagris aka “cannonball jellies” or “cabbage head jellies” was captured for study from the waters around the Liquid Jungle Laboratory in Panama. Biology graduate student Kelly…

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All New Hands on Deck

All New Hands on Deck

June 22 was departure day for new MIT/WHOI Joint Program students making their welcome cruise—which is actually a crash course in oceanographic sampling 101 and seamanship.  All incoming students in…

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Robotic Explorer

Robotic Explorer

The new Puma autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) uses sonar, lasers, and chemical sensors to search wide areas of the ocean floor to detect the telltale signals from hydrothermal vent plumes.…

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Quite a Catch

Quite a Catch

Physical Oceanographer Bob Weller weaves his way through a set of buoys on the ship’s fantail after they were retrieved from the waters around Martha’s Vineyard. The buoys were used…

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Protein Rainbow

Protein Rainbow

MIT/WHOI Joint Program student Annette Hynes displays test tubes filled with phycobiliproteins (soluble pigments) extracted from different cultured strains of Trichodesmium, a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. The different colors may indicate varied…

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Test Drive

Test Drive

The new A-frame and grapple equipment for the WHOI long core system are tested on a mock-up of the stren section of the research vessel Knorr in June 2006 at…

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All Hands (and Eyes) on Deck

All Hands (and Eyes) on Deck

WHOI oceanographer Bob Weller assists in the recovery of the STRATUS mooring off the coast of Chile in 2006. Weller and WHOI senior engineering assistant Jeff Lord (hands on the…

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Jelly and Fish

Jelly and Fish

This aggregate of salps (Pegea confoederata) and a small fish were collected in the warm waters near the Liquid Jungle Laboratory in Panama. WHOI graduate student Kelly Rakow is conducting…

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Going Camping

Going Camping

The Camera Sampler, or “CAMPER,” towed vehicle is lowered over the stern of the icebreaker Oden during engineering tests in June 2007 in the Arctic Ocean. CAMPER was designed to…

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Water Everywhere

Water Everywhere

Before shipping off on a long cruise to Antarctica in February 2003, MIT/WHOI graduate student (now PhD) Jason Hyatt went hiking in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile and…

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Strong Enough to Bend

Strong Enough to Bend

An 80-foot long ‘jumbo’ piston core is launched from the deck of the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy during ice trials off Baffin Bay in July 2000. Flexing during deployment,…

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

The Swedish icebreaking ship Oden steams across a break in the Arctic ice during an engineering test cruise in June 2007, while WHOI engineer Hanumant Singh and colleagues flew in…

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Raw Strength

Raw Strength

Three titanium ingots two are 17,000 pounds apiece, the third is 7,000— arrive at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio for testing after being fabricated at Titanium Metals Mill in…

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Yellow Alert

Yellow Alert

On May 6, 2007, WHOI researchers and technicians deployed the Real Time Offshore Seismic Station (RTOSS) off the coast of Grenada. RTOSS is part of a project to develop new…

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You Parked It Where?

You Parked It Where?

It can be difficult to find a parking space in downtown Siracusa, Sicily, but the crew of the research vessel Oceanus found just the right spot in June 2007. Surrounded…

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