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Welcoming Party

Welcoming Party

Sophie (left) and Nancy Edson await on the WHOI dock for the return of Jim Edson marine meteorologist, husband, and father. A former WHOI scientist, now at the University […]

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Sediment Straw

Sediment Straw

The WHOI-built Giant Gravity Core is deployed by technicians and crew members of the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy in the Bering Sea in June 2003. This sediment collector […]

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Nested In The Ice

Nested In The Ice

A crane’s yellow arm floats above a bevy of yellow floats, retrieving a set of moored instruments from crushing broken ice in the Beaufort Gyre, north of Alaska, in […]

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Jason to the Rescue

During an expedition to the East Pacific Rise in May 2007, using the dexterous mechanical arms of the remotely operated vehicle Jason, pilots and scientists removed lava chunks from a […]

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Ready to Go Camping

Ready to Go Camping

Associate Scientist Hanumant Singh examines his new “Camper” the CAMera and samPlER sled a tethered, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) that was specially developed for research under the Arctic ice […]

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Bring ‘Em Home

Bring 'Em Home

Shipboard science services technician Ken Feldman (left) and ordinary seaman Patrick Neumann work to deploy a sea anchor as part of the process of “recovering” Alvin (bringing it back […]

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Hunting for Carbon Dioxide

Hunting for Carbon Dioxide

For weeks WHOI graduate student Naomi Levine  and colleagues worked around the clock in the chilly South Atlantic aboard the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown. They took samples of ocean water from […]

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Well-armed for Life

Well-armed for Life

Researchers found this six-inch squid, called Histioteuthis sp., at about 1,000 meters (3,000 feet), where almost no sunlight penetrates. Adapted to midwater life, it has spots that let it change […]

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