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Searching for Alien Invaders

Searching for Alien Invaders

WHOI Research Associate Mary Carman scans the tidepools near Sandwich Town Beach on Cape Cod to find sea squirts, an invasive, filter-feeding species (genus Didemnum) that has been crowding out…

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Pillars of education

Pillars of education

MIT/WHOI Joint Program graduate student Mike Krawczynski is dwarfed by exposed columns of basalt in Skaftafell National Park of Iceland. Krawczynski and two dozen colleagues visited the North Atlantic island…

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Roll with it

Roll with it

The WHOI-operated research vessel Oceanus rolls with the seas as the ship steams toward the Gulf Stream in November 2005. The decks were fully loaded with gear for the CLIvar…

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Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs for Breakfast

This egg sac of Euchaeta norvegica, a copepod, turned up in researchers’ plankton nets as they were being towed by the Albatross IV through the waters around Cape Cod. Researchers…

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Pool Party

Pool Party

WHOI guest student Don Pfitsch (left), MIT/WHOI graduate student Chris Roman (middle, now an assistant professor at the University of Rhode Island), and summer student fellow Patrick Serfass (in the…

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The Top of the Bottom

The Top of the Bottom

A core pulled from the top few feet of the floor of the Makassar Strait (near Indonesia) shows the most recently deposited marine sediments. Sediments can be used which enable…

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Collecting Souvenirs

Collecting Souvenirs

MIT/WHOI graduate student Christian Miller takes a water sample just downstream from Svartifoss (Black Falls) in Skaftafell National Park, Iceland. Miller and two dozen students and scientists backpacked their way…

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The Loadout

The Loadout

A moored profiler is lowered into the storage hold of the Canadian icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent in preparation for the Beaufort Gyre Exploration Project in August 2005. Moored profilers climb…

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Saving a New England Icon

Saving a New England Icon

Postdoctoral investigator Tim Verslycke works in a WHOI biology lab to understand a shell disease that is contributing to the decline of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, in New England.…

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Pots of gold

Pots of gold

The gold waiting at the end of this North Atlantic rainbow is a rack full of floats on the deck of the R/V Oceanus. The yellow plastic “hard hats” filled…

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Where are the deck chairs on this cruise?

Where are the deck chairs on this cruise?

Northeastern University undergraduate Beth Sosik knits and WHOI senior research assistant Ellen Roosen reads while resting on the fantail of the research vessel Oceanus. They may call it a “cruise,”…

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The Hagfish Capture

Pilot Bruce Strickrott maneuvers the submersible Alvin toward a new species of deep-sea hagfish and captures it with a suction tube known as a “slurp gun.” By Amy Nevala ::…

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Ring of fire

Ring of fire

Research specialist Don Koelsch makes final electronic checks on the Near Ocean Bottom Explosives Launcher (NOBEL) on the fantail of the R/V Atlantis II  in 1996. Developed at WHOI, NOBEL…

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A Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) is launched from the research vessel Ronald H. Brown during the Census of Marine Zooplankton in April 2006. The MOCNESS plankton…

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Marvelous night for a moondance

Marvelous night for a moondance

Mess attendant Kathryn Eident takes a break from working in the galley to view the rising full moon and calm seas from the deck of R/V Oceanus. (Photo by Sean…

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Disco strobes for the seafloor

Disco strobes for the seafloor

Research associate Terry Hammar of WHOI’s Advanced Engineering Laboratory examines an  LED lighting system being developed for several autonomous underwater vehicles (including SeaBED, Nereus HROV, and Jaguar). LEDs offer significant advantages over…

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Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Graduate students Sigrid Katz (University of Vienna) and Carly Strasser (WHOI) greet Alvin pilot Pat Hickey after he completed his 600th dive in the submersible on November 12, 2006. Hickey has…

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Catching Zzzs

Catching Zzzs

Fresh from refinishing work, the “Z-drive” propulsion units on the underside of the research vessel Knorr are exposed in a Jacksonville, Fla., shipyard. The shrouded drives can turn 360 degrees,…

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Ice dispenser

Ice dispenser

A tidewater glacier in Prinz Christian Sound (on the southern tip of Greenland) calves small “bergy-bits,” as the U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker Healy passes by. The Healy, which today routinely…

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Tales to Tell

Tales to Tell

Amphorae, the ancient equivalent of today’s 55-gallon steel drums, lie strewn on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Advances in underwater imaging and autonomous vehicles are enabling archaeologists to expand…

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Drawing the long straw

Drawing the long straw

It took 35 of Jim Broda’s lab-mates and friends to hoist the PVC prototype of a new long-coring pipe outside of WHOI’s McLean Laboratory. The new piston-corer, being installed on…

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Heavy Seas

Heavy Seas

WHOI research associate John Lund and senior scientist Bob Weller prepare to deploy an APEX float off the fantial of R/V Oceanus during rough weather in November 2005. The float…

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