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Eight Arms, No Ears

Eight Arms, No Ears

It’s a bird, it’s a plane … no, it’s a cirrate octopus that was spotted swimming past the viewport of the human-occupied deep-sea submersible Alvin in 1976. Cirrate octopuses […]

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Hot Spots on the River

Hot Spots on the River

WHOI scientists used a drone equipped with a thermal imaging sensor to create this image (inset) of a section of the Coonamessett River watershed in Falmouth, Mass. The thermal image […]

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A Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective

WHOI researcher Sebastien Bigorre talks with WHOI physical oceanographer Amala Mahadevan about measurements from an underway-CTD, an instrument that measures conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth while a ship is […]

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Coral Bleaching

Coral Bleaching

This coral’s stark white color indicates that it is stressed. Corals host symbiotic algae that produce food for corals and also give corals their vibrant color. When ocean waters […]

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PEACH-y Project

PEACH-y Project

Gabriel Matthias (left) from the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography and WHOI senior engineering assistant Brian Hogue guide part of a mooring into the water from the research vessel Neil Armstrong […]

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Women of the Deep

Women of the Deep

In 1971, marine biologist Ruth Turner became the first woman to dive in WHOI’s human-occupied submersible Alvin. Turner, pictured here with Alvin Chief Pilot Ralph Hollis aboard the research […]

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Conserving our Coasts

Conserving our Coasts

WHOI marine chemist Amanda Spivak studies salt marshes such as this one near Waquoit Bay in Mashpee, Mass. She is starting a project to understand how New England’s nearly century-old […]

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Limited Visibility

Limited Visibility

The North Atlantic can be an inhospitable place, especially in late winter, but that is exactly when WHOI physical oceanographer Robert Pickart needs to be there. Pickart and his […]

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Hunkering Down

Hunkering Down

An Adelie penguin hunches down over its nest as icy winds whip across Cape Royds on Ross Island during a 2007 Polar Discovery expedition. Adelie penguins are sentinel species […]

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Eye in the Skies

Eye in the Skies

A modified quadcopter drone gave WHOI researchers and colleagues a bird’s-eye view and computer-automated counts of a new “supercolony” of more than 1.5 million Adelie penguins in the Danger […]

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Breaking Down Bulkheads

Breaking Down Bulkheads

The history of women at sea on WHOI ships began quietly on April 8, 1952, when the husband-and-wife team of Harvard biologists Barbara Lawrence and William Schevill, who was a […]

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Bombs Beneath the Waves

Bombs Beneath the Waves

Divers from VRHabilis recover an unexploded munition off South Beach on Martha’s Vineyard in 2009. In the 1940s and 1950s, the U.S. Navy and Air Force conducted military exercises in […]

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