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Lunch Buffet

Lunch Buffet

WHOI research assistant David Bailey checks the algae used to feed shellfish larvae that he grows in WHOI’s Environmental Systems Lab. The shellfish are used by biologist Scott Lindell […]

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Welcome Aboard

Welcome Aboard

A delegation from the Consulate General of Japan in Boston toured WHOI’s research vessel Atlantis on a recent visit to WHOI: Consul General Rokuichiro Michii, Consul Mari Fujii, researcher and […]

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A Team Effort

A Team Effort

The new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Clio is the first AUV specifically designed to collect both biological and chemical samples from the ocean. The project’s principal investigators—engineers Mike Jakuba […]

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A Current Collaboration

A Current Collaboration

Josh Woodrow, third mate on the WHOI research vessel Neil Armstrong, takes physical oceanographer Harvey Seim (right) and researcher Sara Haines of the University of North Carolina at Chapel […]

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A New View

A New View

A new underwater imaging system developed by WHOI’s Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory is being tested at submerged shipwreck sites in the U.S. and Europe. The technology enables the rapid […]

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Wee Herring

Wee Herring

These are tiny larvae of river herring. Herring used to run up coastal streams in far great numbers in springtime, returning from the ocean to spawn in fresh water. […]

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Triple Duty

Triple Duty

R/V Neil Armstrong chief mate Derek Bergeron, second mate Mike Singleton, and third mate Josh Woodrow (left to right) monitor nearby boat traffic as Woodrow steers up the Hudson […]

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Rising Tides

Rising Tides

Sea level rise is accelerating as warming temperatures cause ice to melt and ocean water to expand. Under many scenarios, sea level rise is expected to remain under three […]

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Taking a Mooring’s Temperature

Taking a Mooring’s Temperature

WHOI engineers don’t usually hang out inside walk-in refrigerators, but research engineer John Reine found himself doing just that. Reine needed to test the efficacy of heaters added onto a […]

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Inside a Cinder Cone

Inside a Cinder Cone

WHOI students and scientists investigate a discontinuity between two layers of volcanic rock that form the interior of a cinder cone on Mount Shasta in northern California. Mount Shasta is […]

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Two Skippers

Two Skippers

During Major League Baseball’s 2017 All-Star Break, Boston Red Sox Manager John Farrell (third from left) and friends and family visited WHOI’s research vessel Neil Armstrong and were given a […]

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Underwater Voyager

Underwater Voyager

WHOI engineer Mike McCarthy works on the autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry after testing at the dock in Woods Hole. Sentry’s suite of sensors makes it uniquely equipped for oceanographic investigation […]

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Underwater Imaging at the East Pacific Rise

HDTV underwater imaging from Alvin at 9°50′ at the East Pacific Rise in 2007. (Tim Shank, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Bill Lange, Advanced Imaging and Visualization Lab)

Originally published online […]

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