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Pingo Bingo

Pingo Bingo

Tuktoyaktuk means “Land of the Caribou” in the Inuvialuit language, which explains the sculpture, but it’s the landscape that interests MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Lauren Kipp. Kipp traveled to […]

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Gobbling Deep-sea Robot

Gobbling Deep-sea Robot

Even while conducting research out in the Pacific Ocean, far from family and friends, it’s still Thanksgiving for U.S. scientists and crew members, and they always look for ways to […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

On research cruises that overlap holidays, scientists and ship’s crew still try to mark the occasion with decorations, celebrations, and, most importantly, special meals. Former mess attendant Kathryn Eident […]

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Science in All Sizes

Science in All Sizes

Antarctic science comes in all sizes. In 2006 two research ships and an inflatable boat, all carrying scientists, were juxtaposed against the slopes of volcanic Deception Island off Antarctica: […]

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Sampling a Salt Marsh

Sampling a Salt Marsh

Coastal wetlands play a critical but poorly understood role in global climate, transferring carbon between the atmosphere, sediments, and coastal ocean. The amount of carbon—and carbon dioxide—moving in and […]

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Deep Culture

Deep Culture

Katarzyna Melaniuk, a guest student visiting WHOI scientist Joan Bernhard‘s lab, examines cultures of single-celled foraminifera (forams) collected off Norway. She is investigating whether certain species live in […]

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Roll On

Roll On

On its return to Woods Hole in May, the research vessel Neil Armstrong could be seen emptying its anti-roll tank. The 500-gallon tank just below the bridge is fitted […]

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By Their Chinstraps

By Their Chinstraps

Penguins are like the proverbial canaries in coal mines for the Antarctic region—they are highly sensitive to the impacts of climate change on their food and habitat. Over the past […]

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A FAMOS Gathering

A FAMOS Gathering

Scientists from around the world came to Woods Hole in early November to attend the Forum for Arctic Ocean Modeling and Observational Synthesis (FAMOS) annual meeting organized by polar researchers […]

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A Four-Star Day

A Four-Star Day

In September, WHOI received a visit from the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Admiral John Richardson, a four-star admiral who is responsible to the Secretary of the Navy. […]

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Turtle’s Eye View

Turtle's Eye View

A leatherback turtle breaches the surface near the ferry lane between Martha’s Vineyard and Woods Hole, Mass. A ‘turtle-borne’ camera snapped this photo as part of the WHOI TurtleCam project. […]

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Before the Flood

Before the Flood

WHOI climate science takes our researchers all over the globe. In Greenland, they are working to understand how the island’s two mile-thick ice sheet is disappearing. If it […]

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Fitted with Fins

Fitted with Fins

On the dock, WHOI engineers (from left) Mike McCarthy, Justin Fujii, and Molly Curran attach fins to the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry prior to ballasting […]

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Serene Sunset

Serene Sunset

A summer sunset over the WHOI dock finds the research vessel Atlantis at home between voyages. In addition to space for WHOI’s ships, the dock and encompassing Iselin […]

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