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Multimedia Items

Lava, Lava Everywhere

Lava, Lava Everywhere

WHOI students and scientists ascend the Inferno Cinder Cone during a field trip to a lava field in Craters of the Moon National Monument in central Idaho. The trip culminated […]

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Long-distance Traveller

Long-distance Traveller

After a two-and-a-half month journey from Miami, a Spray glider is recovered on the continental shelf southeast of Woods Hole in June 2015. By changing its buoyancy, the glider […]

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Robot Reiki

Robot Reiki

WHOI research specialist Heather Furey and technician Roald van der Heide from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research prepare a Slocum glider for deployment in the summer […]

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High Honor

High Honor

WHOI President and Director Mark Abbott presented the 2015 Bostwick H. Ketchum Award to Candace Oviatt, a professor of oceanography at the University of Rhode Island, during a lecture […]

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A pair of Red Sea anemonefish (Amphiprion bicinctus) take shelter in a pumpkin-colored sea anemone. The image was taken by Simon Thorrold, a biologist and the director of the Read More

Ancient Surprise

Ancient Surprise

While conducting a study on hydrogen generation in mantle rocks, WHOI associate scientist, Frieder Klein and his colleagues discovered the remains of fossilized […]

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Rain, Rain

Rain, Rain

WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz finds little shelter in the middle of a lake during a recent field trip to Maine. Llopiz and chemist Amanda Spivak have been studying five lakes that […]

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VIP Visit

VIP Visit

WHOI gets its share of visits from politicians and dignitaries over the course of the year, but few with this many titles on his CV. This summer, former Congressman, New […]

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Happy 250th

Happy 250th

WHOI recently celebrated a special anniversary on the Woods Hole campus—the 250th birthday of  Challenger House. The WHOI “Tunes at Noon” ensemble provided entertainment and Smitty’s Ice Cream provided […]

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WHOI researchers and engineers recently developed a new autonomous system designed to sample small planktonic larvae in coastal ocean waters and tested it this past winter in waters near Woods […]

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