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Class of 2015

Class of 2015

Megan Behnke, a senior from St. Olaf College (left), and Lina Davidson, a junior from Barnard College got up close with the human-occupied submersible Alvin during its current maintenance period in […]

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Marine Infochemicals

Marine Infochemicals

In a recent study, WHOI scientists found that single-celled marine phytoplankton like these Melosira sp. can release “infochemicals” that signal marine bacteria to rev up their metabolisms and decompose […]

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Coral Clockworks

Coral Clockworks

Corals put down growth layers, similar to tree rings, that record the environmental conditions they grew in. Using core samples, scientists can learn about current health conditions on a […]

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Rip-roaring Channel

Rip-roaring Channel

Rip currents pose a threat to public safety, so officials are interested in ways to predict when and where they form, but it’s difficult to study the dynamic and intermittent […]

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On Top of His Work

On Top of His Work

WHOI engineer Jared Schwartz installed instruments on a Pioneer Array surface buoy tower prior to the buoy being deployed on the continental shelf and slope south of New England. […]

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Sea Butterflies

Sea Butterflies

These marine snails are called pteropods (from the Greek words meaning “wing foot”) or “sea butterflies” because of their winglike swimming appendages. Masses of pteropods drift with currents in the […]

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Seeing Under Sea Ice

Seeing Under Sea Ice

The Nereid Under Ice (NUI) vehicle is launched from the Alfred Wegener Institute’s ice-breaker Polarstern during an expedition in July of 2014. NUI is remotely operated by pilots aboard a […]

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Buoy Overboard

Buoy Overboard

A surface buoy is prepared for deployment from the R/V Knorr. The buoy contains communications equipment and serves as flotation for a Coastal Surface Mooring in the Pioneer Array. […]

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A Storm’s Wrath

A Storm's Wrath

In September 1938 ,a hurricane struck New England with little warning, bringing wind gusts to 186 mph. The intense storm killed hundreds and devastated Cape Cod, including Silver Beach […]

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Copy Cat

Copy Cat

Turtles, dolphins, and seals are masters at maneuvering in the water. So it’s no surprise that vehicle deisgners occasionally look to them for inspiration when trying to make new generations […]

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Camera Ready

Camera Ready

David Owen adjusted an early 70mm deep sea camera in the summer of 1959 aboard the sailing ketch R/V Atlantis, WHOI’s original research vessel built solely for marine science. […]

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Summer Homework

Summer Homework

WHOI summer guest students Gabriel Roy Liguori and Fiona Hopewell assisted in a test deployment of a new instrument designed to make measurements of photosynthesis and respiration, the basic […]

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Z is for Zebrafish

Z is for Zebrafish

Zebrafish share almost 70 percent of genes with humans, so they are ideal models to study genetics of human development and disease. In addition, they are easy to maintain and […]

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Seeing Red

Seeing Red

Dave Kulis and Liann Correia, research assistants in the lab of biologist Don Anderson, retrieve a CTD—an instrument that measures conductivity, temperature, and depth—from Salt Pond, part of […]

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