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Deep-sea Workhorse

Deep-sea Workhorse

Designed and built by WHOI scientists, the original vehicle Jason was launched in 1988. A more advanced, second-generation Jason (pictured) launched in 2002. Jason is a remotely operated vehicle—a tether links it to a control room on a […]

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Newbie NUI

Newbie NUI

One of the newest vehicles developed at WHOI with funding from the National Science Foundation, Nereid Under Ice (NUI) enables researchers to explore the fascinating extreme habitat under sea […]

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Summer Studies

Summer Studies

Berlinda Batista of Bridgewater State University, Ellin Rittler of University of San Francisco, and Kelly Luis of Columbia University (left to right) learn how to perform a beach survey in the […]

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Hard Core

Hard Core

Michael Toomey (front) and Chris Maio, of the Coastal Systems Group, provide small boat support for a coring platform, the R/V Arenaria (pictured in the distance), off the Newfoundland coast. […]

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Two Men, a Boat, and a Float

Two Men, a Boat, and a Float

WHOI engineers Jim Dunn (foreground) and Matt Gould test an acoustic-release float in Woods Hole Harbor. The float is packed with thousands of feet of line and designed to sit […]

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Early Diver

Early Diver

The deep submergence vehicle (DSV)  Aluminaut, shown at WHOI in 1961, was owned by the Reynolds Metals Co. (later Reynolds Aluminum) and operated briefly by WHOI in the early 1960s. […]

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Moored profiler testing

A moored profiler, made by McLane Research Laboratories, is tested in a test tank. (Courtesy McLane Research Laboratories)

By Michael Carlowicz :: Originally published online October 31, 2007

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Greenland GPS

Greenland GPS

Each spring, the melting ice sheet forms large lakes. A decade ago, scientists discovered that cracks can form suddenly in the bottom of these lakes and drain them within hours. To learn […]

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Warming Waters

Warming Waters

Warming seawater threaten coral reefs by disrupting the relationship between corals and symbiotic algae they host. The corals provide a protected place for the algae to live and chemical […]

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Rocket’s Red Glare

Rocket's Red Glare

R/V Atlantis crewmember Rick Bean watched as WHOI geologist Wenlu Zhu fired an expired emergency flare from the ship during a 2009 cruise (after first warning other ships in the […]

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In the fall of 2014, undergraduate science students watched live video and data from the Caribbean in the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center during an expedition investigating deep-sea […]

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With the Flow

With the Flow

In 1948, this WHOI flume was located in a small building behind the Bigelow Laboratory, and was used for studies of phenomena that included the flow of fresh-water into saltwater. […]

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