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Eavesdropping on the Reefs

Eavesdropping on the Reefs

In two recent studies, WHOI scientists demonstrated an new way to assess the health of coral reefs and to monitor threats on remote atolls: They used low-cost underwater recorders designed…

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Mobilized Mercury

Mobilized Mercury

WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Priya Ganguli worked with Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) student Kelly Luis this summer to test groundwater from nearby Mosquito Creek for methylmercury. Septic systems in…

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Watchful Eye

Watchful Eye

Instructor Bruce Tripp (left) watched WHOI Summer Student Fellows Jerry Fontus (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Julia Lanoue (Brown University) as they deployed a CTD water sampling rosette off the…

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Written in Mud

Written in Mud

Seafloor sediments often contain valuable clues to the nature of Earth’s climate in the distant past. Scientists collect long cores of sediment, sometimes from great depth, and then split them…

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Lighting the Way

Lighting the Way

Woods Hole PEP (Partnership Education Program) student Ellin Rittler from the University of San Francisco worked with WHOI biologist Scott Gallager this summer to examine the use of Raman spectroscopy…

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Local Science, Global Impacts

Local Science, Global Impacts

WHOI Geology and Geophysics Chair Dan McCorkle spoke to a group of more than 100 WHOI Associates at the annual Afternoon of Science in July. McCorkle described a project funded…

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Krill Close-up

Krill Close-up

In 2009, former MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Andrew McDonnell captured this image of an Antarctic krill off the West Antarctic Peninsula. McDonnell was on a cruise with WHOI chemist Ken…

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Summer of Science

Summer of Science

WHOI retiree Hovey Clifford shows Summer Student Fellows Julia Lanoue (Brown University), Ben Beaumont (North Carolina State University), and Ann Dunham (Dartmouth College), left to right, how to sieve sediment samples…

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Celebrating New Life

Celebrating New Life

On Earth Day 2015, members of the Woods Hole and WHOI communities gathered to celebrate the life of one of the much-loved copper beech trees that stood for 150 years…

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Clam Hunting

Clam Hunting

MIT-WHOI Joint Program graduate student Megan May searches a rock jetty near Old Silver Beach on Buzzards Bay for clams. May is studying natural antibiotic resistance in the coastal environment…

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Swimming for Science

Swimming for Science

WHOI chemist Ken Buesseler (left) and technician Jessica Drysdale give long-distance swimmer Ben Lecomte instructions in how to test seawater for radioactive isotopes of cesium released from the Fukushima Dai-ichi…

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Ocean Gems

Ocean Gems

In 2008, WHOI summer student Lauren Watka held up a dish of jewel-like fish eggs. The little saltmarsh fishes called mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) tolerate varying salinity and pollutant levels, so…

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Science in Our Backyard

Science in Our Backyard

WHOI Associate David Babin and WHOI friend Judy Stetson learn about a project that engages citizen scientists in Buzzards Bay at the annual Associates Afternoon of Science in July. Babin…

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Future Engineers

Future Engineers

Students from Blackstone Valley Vocational Technical School in Upton, Massachusetts, take time out for a group photo during their visit the WHOI Ocean Sceince Exhibit Center. The students were exploring…

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Blackboard Ocean

Blackboard Ocean

Be it ever so humble, Walsh Cottage at WHOI is considered by many to be a sacred place. Since 1959, many great scientific minds have gathered each summer in a…

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Day Trip

Day Trip

What looks like a well-stocked boat trip is actually a local scientific expedition, as University of California Santa Cruz chemist Carl Lamborg, WHOI post-doctoral scholar Julia Diaz, and WHOI biogeochemist…

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Cores for Climate Change

Cores for Climate Change

Summer Student Fellow Yuxin Zhou, working with WHOI geologist Delia Oppo and physical oceanographer Jake Gebbie, cuts off sections of a multi-core taken from the research vessel Endeavor in spring of 2014…

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Batteries Included

Batteries Included

WHOI engineers Rick Sisson, John Lund, and Brian Kelly (left to right) inspect the wiring and leak detector at the bottom of a battery pack that will be inserted in…

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Guess Your Age?

Guess Your Age?

Brett Longworth, research associate in the Geology & Geophysics department, loads a wheel of samples into the ion source of the National Ocean Sciences Accelator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) facility. The…

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Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

A green heron watched while perched on the R/V Knorr’s dockline in July as WHOI Summer Student Fellows boarded the coastal research vessel R/V Tioga for a day trip in Buzzards Bay.…

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Subs Away!

Subs Away!

WHOI voluteers show a group of visitors how to pilot a remote-controlled submarine outside the Ocean Science Exhibit Center recently. The popular activity with be part of the Woods Hole…

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On Display

On Display

HOV Alvin project manager Susan Humphris spoke to members of WHOI’s Board of Trustees in 2014 in front of the newly refurbished submersible on board R/V Atlantis. On August 9,…

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Testing, Testing

Testing, Testing

Victoria McGruer, a Northeastern University student working in the lab of WHOI biologist Don Anderson, preps and tests ESPs (Environmental Sample Processors) in the Laboratory for Ocean Sensors and Observing Systems…

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Family Portrait

Family Portrait

The National Deep Submergence Facility is a National Science Foundation-funded center operated by WHOI for the benefit of the entire US oceanographic community. It includes three deep-diving assets: the human-occupied submersible…

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