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Multimedia Items

From the Archives

From the Archives

Early in his career, Harold “Doc” Edgerton (shown here working on the WHOI dock in 1959), built underwater cameras for famed marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Operating cameras in murky ocean […]

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Annual Gathering

Annual Gathering

A group of WHOI Summer Student Fellows gathered for a photo during the 2014 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting held in San Francisco in December. Each of the students presented […]

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Mapping Vents

Mapping Vents

Hydrothermal vents are not nearly as rare as initially thought when they were first discovered in 1977. Since then, scientists have come to better understand the conditions that create the […]

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From the Archives

From the Archives

Joanne Malkus Simpson  was the first female meteorologist to earn a doctorate. She discovered what keeps hurricanes moving forward and revealed what drives the atmospheric currents in the tropics. As […]

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The Control Room

The Control Room

Inside the dark Jason control room, video screens display real-time images of the seafloor sent from the vehicle’s high-definition cameras to a pilot (foreground) who controls the vehicle with a […]

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Anchor Almost Away

Anchor Almost Away

Aboard R/V Knorr, over the western end of the Reykjanes Ridge near Iceland, bosun Pete Liriakos (kneeling) signals to winch operator Leo Fitz (gray hood) as they deploy the anchor […]

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Hot Water

Hot Water

Data from a ship traveling the “Oleander Line” between New York and Bermuda and from buoys revealed unusually high ocean temperatures (red) in spring and summer of 2012 along the […]

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Friendly Visit

Friendly Visit

The 105-meter R/V Yokosuka carrying the Shinkai 6500 submersible and operated by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) visited WHOI in 1994 after a joint expedition […]

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Dive After Dive

Dive After Dive

One good dive deserves another. Mike Skowronski leaped off the submersible Alvin shortly after it resurfaced from a dive to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico in March […]

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Summer Sampler

Summer Sampler

Columbia University student Maya Becker, a 2014 WHOI Summer Student Fellow, and WHOI instructors prepare a Niskin water sampler, on a boat trip the fellows took to learn about basic […]

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Catcher in the Sea

Catcher in the Sea

Scientists and crew aboard the research vessel Knorr deployed a sediment net trap on a 2012 cruise in the North Atlantic to collect particles sinking from the sea surface. […]

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Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree

During a trip to Exuma Keys in the Bahamas for her Ph.D., WHOI research associate Kristen Whalen snapped this photo of a Christmas tree worm attached to coral. The branches […]

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