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Ocean in Miniature

Ocean in Miniature

WHOI engineer Bob Tavares headed up to the roof of the Clark South building recently to check on an Argo SOLO-I float deployed in the 10-meter test well. The Argo […]

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Halo Below

Halo Below

A fog bow, caused by light refracted through small water droplets in fog, arcs below the Air-Sea Interaction Tower in Martha’s Vineyard Sound. The tower, a part of the Martha’s […]

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Hunt for Life

Hunt for Life

Postdoctoral investigator Maria Pachiadaki (left) and Shipboard Scientific Services Group(SSSG) technician Allison Heater deploy Deep-SID, a robotic biology laboratory designed for the deep ocean. The instrument collects water samples and mixes […]

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Tioga at Ten

Tioga at Ten

WHOI’s coastal research vessel, R/V Tioga, gets some attention in port from crew member Ian Hanley (left) and Captain Ken Houtler. Equipped with water samplers, a current […]

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In His Element

In His Element

WHOI senior research specialist Jim Broda stands on deck of R/V Knorr in front of the Long Core system’s main winch just prior to Knorr‘s departure from WHOI […]

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Love That Dirty Water

Love That Dirty Water

Meltwater carrying finely ground glacial till is visible from the air as researchers prepare to deploy instruments into a West Greeenland fjord by helicopter. WHOI physical oceanographer Fiamma Straneo led a […]

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Baffled by the Bloom

Baffled by the Bloom

Scientists and students on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy gather around a computer to learn how to to guide a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) package to the seafloor and back.  […]

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Plankton Pump

Plankton Pump

Amy Maas, a postdoc in the labs of WHOI biologists Gareth Lawson and Ann Tarrant, joined fellow postdoc Mike Lowe in testing a plankton pump aboard […]

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High Seas Shanty

High Seas Shanty

What would sailors do without a sea shantey or two? 3rd Assistant Engineer Vasile Tudoran entertained the science party and crew aboard the R/V Knorr with Romanian […]

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WHOI Goes to Washington

WHOI Goes to Washington

David Gallo, Director of Special Projects at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, addressed members of the U.S. House of Representatives at a reception to celebrate the Read More

Spring Catch

Spring Catch

Under the microscope are two female copepods of different species, caught on a spring 2014 cruise in the Chukchi Sea. The cruise, aboard the USCG icebreaker Healy, aimed to study […]

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Squid Nursery

Squid Nursery

The ocean is absorbing rising levels of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and becoming more acidic. How will that affect squid, a key animal in the marine food web? […]

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Smooth Sailing

Smooth Sailing

Sunny skies and calm seas eased R/V Knorr’s transit through the 60-mile-long Prince Christian Sound during a cruise to sample currents off the coast of Greenland this […]

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Navigating a Sea of Sound

Navigating a Sea of Sound

The ocean is an increasingly noisy place. Sounds from shipping, oil and gas exploration, and other human activities are making it more difficult for marine mammals to hear. “Hearing is […]

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