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Picking up the Slack

Picking up the Slack

University of Washington undergraduate student Robert Joseph Daniels helps secure a just-recovered CTD rosette aboard R/V Knorr at sunset off the coast […]

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Student Life

Student Life

Tailgating on the beach? Surfers awaiting the perfect wave? It was a little bit of both for students taking a Field Methods and Coastal Oceanography course, offered through WHOI’s Read More

One of a Kind

One of a Kind

The country’s newest ice-capable research ship, R/V Sikuliaq, was a popular attraction during a month-long port stop in Woods Hole this summer. Visitors included U.S. Senator Elizabeth […]

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Squid Under Stress?

Squid Under Stress?

Squid are at the heart of the ocean food web. Many other animals depend on squid for sustenance, including fish, whales, walruses, seabirds, and people. The squid fishery in California […]

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A Brilliant Run

A Brilliant Run

Scientists and crew gather on the bridge of the R/V Knorr as the ship passes through Prince Christian Sound, a channel through southern Greenland that connects the […]

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Shirts off for Science

Shirts off for Science

On a hot day in late August, WHOI scientist Peter Traykovski and engineer Kevin Manganini prepare the autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) JetYak for a survey off the coast of Martha’s […]

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Human Help

Human Help

Engineer Kevin Manganini escorts an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) JetYak through the waters off Chappaquidick, which became its own island in 2007 after a storm created an inlet that separated […]

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School’s In

School's In

Brian Guest, a senior engineering assistant at WHOI, dipped his fisheye lens (fittingly) off the WHOI dock to capture this image of juvenile Atlantic menhaden schooling in late September waters. […]

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Deep Diver

Deep Diver

WHOI research specialist Mark Dennett (right) helps guide a REMUS 6000 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) into Great Harbor in Woods Hole for testing in July. Dennett and a team […]

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Ocean Health

Ocean Health

WHOI chemist Mak Saito, left, and researcher Matt McIlvin show off mass spectrometers that are key instruments in their efforts to apply an emerging biomedical technique—proteomics—to learn about […]

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Summer Visitor

Summer Visitor

Like many on Cape Cod, WHOI has its share of summer visitors. This August, the Institution played host to the newly built ice-capabale research vessel Sikuliaq. The NSF-funded ship […]

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QuadPod: Underwater Detective

QuadPod: Underwater Detective

Peter Traykovski and Jay Sisson take a moment to pose with a “QuadPod” on the WHOI dock before deploying it off the south side of Martha’s Vineyard. For the next […]

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